Chapter 7

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Ed Tucker.

Ed Fucking Tucker.

Of all people to see Olivia kiss he never thought it would be Ed Tucker. The person in his long category that he despised with everything in him. The grip he had on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white almost cutting off blood flow to his hand.

There has to be a misunderstanding.

This couldn't be happening.

The only time he has ever seen Olivia and Tucker in a car together is when he drove her to Central Booking after she was accused of murder.

Elliot turns his head in the opposite direction while they drive off to make sure they don't spot him. Following them wasn't a good idea but he couldn't help himself. Turning his key in the ignition, the roar of his engine comes to life and he follows the car down to the end of the block. He watches their silhouettes for any body language that gives him an indication of what the true nature of the relationship is. It wasn't the most rational. He saw the kiss she gave him although he couldn't see if there was any passion or anything behind it.

Running on autopilot, he takes every turn the car did but makes a point to stay out of sight. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins and it's almost as if he is having an out of body experience. His jeep turns when they turn and about the same time they pull up to a small parking lot attached to a small bar, Elliot no longer cares if they see him.

Olivia emerges from the car first, her hair and coat blowing softly in the wind. A stern but neutral expression hiding beneath the subtle rose colored lip gloss and natural looking makeup she still wears.

As she rounds the car, Tucker gets out. There is a little dialogue and they walk towards the door together. Elliot holds his breath looking for body language, signs. As a detective this is what he is trained to do when sweating a perp in interrogation, but it's helped with his children and in relationships. They take a few more steps towards the bar entrance when he sees Olivia slide her arm inside Ed's and they smile at each other.

He balls his fists, teeth grinding together almost audibly. "You've got to be fuckin kidding me."

With his chest heaving and eyes screwed shut, he fights every urge not to get out of the car and follow them inside. From the window he can tell there are not a lot of people inside. There is no way he can go in and be unnoticed.

"Fuck!" Elliot hits the steering wheel not feeling any sting despite the red hue covering his hand. Resting back against the seat trying to calm down, he screws his eyes shut praying for the ability to be reasonable. If he has any chance of having a conversation with her about anything going into that bar and punching the shit out of her 'boyfriend' will ruin it. Being back in her good graces and earning her forgiveness was his main goal but he didn't know he could be in her life if Ed Tucker was too.

"At this point I think I will be able to take off a few weeks in the summer but not sure," Ed remarks taking a long pull from his beer. He stares at Olivia who fidgets with her phone and is more agitated than usual. Normally she can multitask on her phone and listen to him but it doesn't take long for him to realize that tonight she is not succeeding.

"Mhmmm," she mumbles in response.

Shifting in his seat, he gestures to the waitress for another round. Wine for her. Beer for him. Their usual order. "I'm also going to take the young blonde from the 2-4 with me on the trip."

Olivia nods her head scrolling through her text messages. "Mhmm sounds good."

"Sounds good?"

"Hunh? What?" She finally looks up, meeting his annoyed stare.

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