chapter 3

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I was with my Dad and brothers in the dinning room eating breakfast. This time my brothers were eating at a decent pace.

"So Liv have you made any friend so far?" Dad asks while taking a bite from his pancake.

"I highly dout it Dad." Frankie said before taking a sip from his orange juice. I punched him in the gut making him choke on his orange juice.

"Actually I did. But most of them are guys." I said. I heard Mikey snicker across the table.

"What, you couldn't find a girl to put up with you." I leaned over the table to face Mikey.

"What about you Mickey Mouse. You still can't find a girl to put up with your crappy jokes?" We were ready to jump over the table and fight right there, but Dad stopped us.

"Olivia and Michael sit down now!" Dad bursted making me and Mikey sit down before glaring at each other.

Me and Mikey like to argue all the time. But he was older than me. Alex was the oldest then Frankie, then Mikey lastly me. It really sucked being the baby of the Family.

"He started it." I mummbled under my breath.

"I don't care who started it.
Both of you tell me What are my rules." He demanded.

We both replied with a 'ugh' and then said together, "If we are going to fight not to do it in the house with the important and expensive things." Dad nodded at our answer.

"Good, Now Liv, you and I are going to the store to buy somethings for the house. Boys I want you to clean up the house while we're gone."

The all of them whined while I stuck my tounge out at them. Then the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I got out of my chair and walked to the door.

I checked the peep hole on the door to see Benny. I smiled to myself and opened the door.

"Well look who used the front door." I said while holding to door.

"Hi Liv. Are you coming to the Sandlot?" He asked with a pleading smile. I had to suppress the urge to smile like an idiot.

"Sorry Benny I can't today.
My Dad is taking me to the store to buy somethings for the house."
Benny's smile turned into a little frown that kinda made me a little sad.

"Oh, okay." Benny said with a weak smile.

"Don't look to sad. I won't be gone for long, stop by my house in half an hour." I then closed the door.

"Liv go get your shoes on so we can leave." I heard Dad from the other room.

I went up stairs to my room and dressed in denim overall shorts, black shirt, and white convers. I grabbed my Dodgers cap off my bed and put it on. Running into the bathroom I brushed my teeth before running back down stairs.

"Ready Dad?" I asked waiting by the door.

"Lets go." We walked out the house and to the car.

Once we finally got into the city Dad said, "Okay Liv I'm going into the grocery store for maybe 20 minutes. You can go into the sports store and buy what you like." He then took some money out of his pocket and gave me 2$. (a/n It's 1967 in the movie.)

"Thanks Dad." I said then kissed his cheek and left to the sports store.

As soon as I walked in it was baseball heaven. There was baseball gloves, hats, posters, it was amazing. I walked over to the baseball posters and tried to find one that I liked. Hint the word tried. After a few minutes my eyes landed on a Babe Ruth poster that   read 'The Great Bambino!'.

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