Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry! I needed parts for my teleportation device!" Exclaims Peter trying to defend himself.

"That's dangerous and you know it, Pete!" Responds Wade, pissed.

"Wait... The dump? Aren't there dogs at the dump?" Asks Matt. "Um... Yes." Confirmed Peter. Wade and Matt's faces suddenly twisted into fear.

"But I got away!" The young boy says rather quickly.

"Pete. They're dogs. They can smell you." Explains Matt.

"I know that!" 

"And did you get rid of your scent?" Matt asks hopefully.

Peter freezes for a second before responding, "Yes?" 

"Oh dear lord..." Mumbles Wade, rubbing his temples while Matt face palms.

"Well then... we have to get suited up and get moving... Again." Says Matt clearly annoyed.

Peter sighs, "Okay, I'm sorry."


Suited up... Yup. You guessed it. We're heroes! .... No- we're SuperNatural. The world doesn't know about our powers, and we would like to keep it that way... Now you wanna see what these 'heroes' are? Sure.

Wade- He wore a red hoodie with a black X on his back and front. A belt held knifes and daggers, each side holding one katana.His pants was dark blue jeans- nothing special. He was called Deadpool.

Matt- He had a red hoodie as well... But a more paler shade and had devil horns on top. He wore red goggles and had black jeans. On his belt he had two red batons. He was called DareDevil.

Peter- He wore a red and sky blue hoodie which had spider web designs covering it. He had red goggles just like Matt's- but it had night vision installed.  Ripped blue jeans and web slingers on his wrist wrapped his suit up. He was called WebWarrior. 

"Let's get going." Says Matt.

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