Chapter 1

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Peter Parker ran down the sidewalk carrying a computer chip. He was getting chased by a dog. Wait. Scratch that. Three dogs. Earlier today he had stolen from the dump... Again. 

Peter ran around a corner and, thinking fast, ran into a flower store. He waits for a few minutes before coming back outside. Man, Wade and Matt are gonna be so man that I came back late... 

The 7 year old made his way into an abandon house. Yep. Home sweet home. 

"Wade? Matt? Are you guys here?" Peter says barely above average.

Silence. Footsteps. Voices. Mad brothers.

"Where did you go?!" Asks- wait, no- commands Matt. 

"I went somewhere and I- Please don't be mad!!" Peter crys out in fear., 

"... No, not mad. Scared. The three of us are the only family each of us has, we can't afford loosing anyone." Wade says.

"Wow, Wade... That is the most sane thing you have ever said." Matt says. Peter chuckles. "Wade says sane things every once in a while." 

"So, Peter, what did you do out there?" Wade says changing the subject. Both eyes lock on the young boy. 

He shrugs. "I was upstairs." 


"In my room."


"And I was working on my teleporting device."


"And I saw I was missing a piece."

"A piece, keep going." 

"And so I went outside..."


"Aannnddd I stole from the dump.... Again."

"... Peterrrrr!!!" Yells both Wade and Matt in union.

Yep. Home sweet home.

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