Chapter 5

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Wade instantly burst into laughter. "Batman?" He howled, peering at the larger man in disbelief. "That's so stupid!"

"Shh," warned Matt, and Wade's cackling eased down to silence.

"Hello, sir," the redhead hummed, his form shielding Peter from the newcomer. "I'm afraid that we've gotten into a bit of... trouble." He said, a tint of sheepishness in his tone.

Batman narrowed his eyes at Wade before turning them towards the other two boys. "How so? Gotham is dangerous at night."

"Gotham?" Piped Peter, gaze flicking towards Matt. "What's Gotha—?"

Matt placed a hasty hand on his adoptive sibling's mouth, his lips pressing into a tight line. "Yeah." The blind boy said tensely. "Yeah we know. We lost track of our mother. Can you help us?"

The vigilante didn't seem to be focusing on Matt, and instead his glare was on Peter. A moment flickered past before he spoke. "I don't have time for this."

He moved to run off, but the man seemed to pause. With his enhanced hearing, Matt could pick up the sound of a person talking to Batman from his com. The trio watched as the dark knight's face twisted into a grimace before turning back to them.

"Follow me, then. I'll get you to the police." Batman said, the word 'police' coming out dry and bland. He waved his hand, and Matt stood up cautiously, grabbing Peter's arm so that wouldn't fall as he followed.

Matt glanced over his shoulder, towards the place where he heard Wade last. "Need help?" He mouthed towards Wade, and the other ginger shook his head no, heaving himself up to his feet. He seemed to be pretty vexed by the hero's appearance. Matt wasn't too bothered about that, surprisingly.

Wade didn't really like much of anyone.

"You're a hero then?" Peter asked, the last effects of his dizziness still prodding at him, but not as fiercely.

Batman gave him a incredulous stare, but it was more suspicious than anything. "Yes."

"Of... Gotham?"


"He looks more like one of those guys you'll see at my grandmother's Halloween parties." Commented Wade, and Batman's defenses spiked up.

"What about you three?" He questioned, bristling slightly. "You rascals don't look too casual either. Kid's costume party?"

"Shut the fu—."

"We did come from a costume party!" Matt rushed to cut Wade off, relieved when he fell silent. "Our mom was picking us up and we lost her!"

Batman shushed him, and Matt snapped his mouth shut.

"It doesn't matter how you got lost. The only thing that does matter is getting you to the police department." He stated, and Matt was slightly reluctant as he agreed.

The vigilante stopped, startling the three, and his hand rose to gesture down the street, and Peter could easily pick out the police department. His eyes brightened.

"Just cross the street and make your way inside. You have to talk to one of the officers." Batman blinked down at the three. "...look both ways before crossing."

Peter glanced up at him. "You aren't following us?" He asked, frowning.

Batman waved him off. "We're on good terms." He explained curtly before turning, grappling away without any other words.

"He seems nice." Quipped Wade with an eye roll, and Matt elbowed him. "—ow."

Peter ignored them. "C'mon, guys!" He called, darting across the street, startling his two other adoptive siblings.

"Peter, be careful! Look both ways!" Matt yelped, and Wade snickered.

"You should follow you own advice."

"Was that a blind joke or a dumb joke."

"I mean, which one makes you madder?"

"Come on!" Peter shouted from across the street, and Wade and Matt hurried to follow him.

A comfortable silence settled between them before Wade brought up the elephant in the room; "Are we not gonna point out the fact that we've never heard of Gotham before?"

"Not to mention 'Batman.'" Matt added, pursing his lips. "I think we would've known if a place— and person— like this existed."

"Great." Huffed Wade. "Peter's teleportation shit teleported us into a city we don't even know about."

Peter sent a worried stare Wade's way. "Sorry..." he muttered, and Wade had the decency to look guilty.

Matt took the lead, pushing open the door to the police department, frowning at all of the noises that met his ears.

Wade's heartbeat faltered nervously. "I don't really like officers." He uttered under his breath, and Peter brushed his shoulder with encouragement.

"Excuse me?" Matt hummed, catching the attention of a passing cop. "We need help. We lost our mother?"

The cop took a tentative sip of coffee, looking over the trio and their costumes, before continuing. "...okay kiddos." He said, placing the cup down and fiddling with his side to take out a pencil and a writing pad. "Can I get your names?"

They all paused, sharing a look between themselves— save for Matt— and Matt cleared his throat. "Matt Murdock— and these are my adoptive brothers Peter Parker and Wade Wilson."

"Alliterations." Huffed the officer. "Fuckin' parents." He took in a deep breath. "I'm Officer Nuyen. Take a seat over there and we'll get things sorted." The officer gestured towards a pair of seats on the far wall, and the three made their way towards them.

Matt took his own seat while Peter sat on Wade's leg in order to share the second one.

With a sigh, Matt leaned back, dazing off. "Batman, eh? He didn't seem much of a hero."

"He was scary." Agreed Peter. "But I guess I can see where he's coming from."

"What I don't get is why I've never heard of him before." Mused Wade, eyes narrowing in a type of frustration that Peter knew would irritate him.

Officer Nuyen trotted over to them. "Kids, you do realize that we don't appreciate pranks?" He asked, clearly annoyed, and confusion instantly but he trio.

"What do you mean?" Said Matt, faintly.

With a roll of his eyes, he explained; "Your names aren't showing up at all. You three have no records— that means you lied to me, and I don't appreciate that. If you don't have anything important then get out."

Quickly, Matt grabbed an irked Wade's arm with one hand then a wide-eyed Peter's arm with the other.

He pulled them out of there.

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