14: Fuck You

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*sips cocoa* So... how about that title? There are no give aways just straight chapter. You will have to read to find out. Just do not assume so quickly this chapter because of the title. Don't forget to vote & comment what you thought was going to happen because of the title or anything about the chapter! Deuces!

P.s. This is unedited and apologies for this chapter!


We have just arrived in Fin's hometown London, England for the little family reunion at his parents' house. We are staying a few days at his parents' house so that he can spend time with them. It has been over a year since he has last seen them and even longer since I have. His parents have always been such nice people and they treated me like I was their own daughter. Mama Hendry or Mum as she has told me to call her when I was younger, told me that Stephen and I would be here where we are today. I had of course doubted her but look at us now, engaged and expecting.

I looked over at Fin who was scrolling his phone like he usually does, the glimmer of his engagement ring catching my eyes as the diamonds in it sparkled in the sunlight.

I had given it to him last night

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I had given it to him last night. I wanted to show the world that Stephen Hendry belongs to me just as much as I him. I wanted the world to know that he is my man and I am his woman by us both having rings on our fingers. He and our baby are the center of my world and I wanted him to be able to look at his ring finger and be reminded of that as I am of him.

Flashback: Last night

Finny is on his way over here to my place. We are flying to London tomorrow to see his family after a long overdue visit from the both of us. I am both nervous and excited for the visit. It has been too long since I have seen the others, especially dad and mum. I am the most excited to see Fin's parents. They are my second parents and mean the same as my own to me.

However, my nervousness and anxiousness for what is about to happen when Fin gets here beats out everything for tomorrow. I was stirring the food in the pan when two strong muscular arms wrapped around me startling me. I jumped letting out a scream, nearly burning myself on the hot pan when I heard a chuckle. I turned my head to see Max snickering at my expense. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What the hell are you doing here, Maxim?", I asked pointedly, my ascent heavy.

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