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After a while I finally had gotten home. I had been walking the entire way, because my bike was still on the path, where now probably were a lot of police men and stuff. I really didn't feel like going there to get my bike, because they sure would go ask me questions.

I dumped my bag on the stairs and then immediatly went upstairs towards my bathroom. Although, my badroom.. The badroom I shared with the other two orphans in the house, Anna and Peter. Anna was 19 years old, and Peter was already 24. He had already left home, but every weekend he returned to stay here for a night. The couple who had took us in were really nice, and absolutely loved us like their own kids, so I was really happy with that. I could've been somewhere way worse.

Right now no one seemed to be home, so that was nice. Anna was probably still at school, and my parents were both still at work.

Once in the bathroom I turned on the shower and stood underneath it, with clothes and all. I knew I actually had to call an ambulance, but I was sure they would link it with the fire in the woods, and like I said before, I really didn't feel like getting questioned. Luckily I knew a bit about what you had to do, like that you absolutely shouldn't remove the clothes with burns these bad. It was still really surprising I didn't feel any pain from the burns at all, and now that I think about it, that I can move so freely. 

I looked again at my arms, and to my surprise I saw the the clothes, even though molten, seemed to be kinda loose on my skin. Carefully I tried to luck if I could roll up my sleeve, and indeed, it was loose! Although the sleeve was being more broken than rolled up, it was loose!

But what was underneath that surprised my even more. In first instance it seemed like my skin had simply blackened from the fire, but after most of the black stuff from the ash and clothes was washed away, I jumped backwards from shock, nearly slipping on the wet floor of the shower. My arm hadn't been burned at all! But wat shocked me even more, were the little scales which were placed here and there on my arm. I Quickly looked if it was the same on my other arm, and then on my legs, and indeed, it was everywhere.

Carefully I touched one on my arm. It felt a bit like those snakes in the zoo, but than bigger and stronger. The scales had a dark red color, very close to black. Where had these scales come from? And why hadn't I been burned? Had these scales help me survive through it? ...Where they also on my face?

Quickly I left the shower and looked into the mirror. Yes, there were 3 of those scales on my face. They were a little smaller than the others, but they were absolutely there. On one hand I was thankful for them, if they indeed had helped my survive the fire, but on the hand I had gotten quite scared. Why I suddenly had all these scales? Were they even gonna go? I didn't have to live on with this scales forever, right?

After drying most of the bathroom, I quickly went to my bedroom. I grabbed some new clothes, after which I removed the black stuff from my body. The scales really were everywhere.. But what I suddenly notices, was that some of the scales suddenly were gone on place I was sure of they still were when I was in the bathroom. Good.. I didn't have to look like a freak in front of everyone.. I put on the new clothes and then threw the burned pile in the bin, after which I grabbed my laptop and dumped myself on my bed.

First I looked if there was any news online over the fire. I opened up de local news site, and indeed, the fire was already mentioned. The firemen luckily had the fire under control, and the fire wasn't that big either, so that was good news. About Quinten nothing had been mentioned so far, but I didn't expect much else, seen the fire was still ongoing, and Quinten was somewhere in the middle of that. Time to calm down a bit I though to myself. I opened up an anime, grabbed some chocolate from my secret storage, and enjoyed my time of being home alone, although I occasionally checked if the scales indeed were still going away.

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