I'm here

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It's a really strange voice but for Dippter guessing who is it, it's totaly easy.

"C'mon out. I know it's you Bill.".he said. A a light glow infort of the window then he show up as usual.

"Hu-ray!!! Bingo that a correct anwer! How do you know it was me?" He smirk. "Isn't it obvious, you alway enter or get in by a whisper sound making some kind of sistuation then glow from the dark to appear." Dipper explain.

"Oh-so I'm that predictable, huh!". Bill smile cunning. "Ya-so what...?".Dipper confused.

"Then my sweet-heart did you predict this~♡". Bill grab Dipper waist then throw him to his bed. Dart his mouth to Dipper not letting him speak a word. Dipper struggle pulling Bill face off.

"You're suffocating me ...get off me".He try to sceam but it didn't work well, Bill continuous to kiss him again and again ... and again, then finally let go.

"See who talkin' here. You just wish I were here then now pushing me off.... That just hash PT". He rearch his face to Dipper, their face to face close enough for them to feel each other breath and heart beat. The room turn completely silent, only the sound of their breath next to each other.

"Awwww... your blushing again. ~♡".Bill start to teasing on Dipper. Making him realize that how much hot he is from his inside to the outside, quickly cover his red tomato face with a blaket.

"Comon PT. You did wish it were you,right... so now what do you want me to do.".Bill looking at his cute little boy, smiling about how horribly cute for him to stand. Dipper said with a pity tone.

"♡---I want you to play with me ----♡"

_to be continuous_ (=v=)
_hope you guy enjoy reading_ (=vv=)

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