Chap 1

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Hey lovelies!!! This is my new story!! This is something that has been in my mind for very long time. So this may be a bit.. Okay a lot childish. Don't judge the book by the first chapter!!

This is my first time writing POV so this may suck. Not to mention my grammar mistakes. Practically this book may suck.

If you guys still want to continue, welcome to the emotional roller-coaster!! Btw thanks a lot for reading!!

Happy reading!!!

I dedicate this chapter to nitha12

Nina dobrev as kaitlyn (in picture)

Kaitlyn POV:

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. My hands reached up for the annoying alarm clock that was way too loud for my liking. I checked the time. It is 4 in morning. Yeah, you did read it right . It's freaking 4 AM. Seriously I don't know how my alarm clock can put up with me. I even lost the count of pushing it down from my night stand. It almost happens everyday. If alarm clock was living being, I would have landed myself in jail for physical abuse.

I slowly rose up and went to bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I put my pathetic excuse of hair into a messy bun as I did not want to scare the living hell out of wandering ghosts. Then I changed into something that was decent to go out.

Finally, I left my room and walked towards main door, successfully evading the boxes which I haven't unpacked yet. It has been two days since we moved here but still I didn't get time to unpack them. Its not like I am a robot or something to finish all the works by myself in lightening speed . I am just freaking 19 for cry out loud.

I walked as fast as I can. If you think I am a health freak and I am on my daily morning jog. Then you are definitely wrong. I am not into fitness or anything. I finally reached my destination in few minutes . Newspaper delivery is one of my part time job.

It was 7 when I reached home. I went to kitchen and started preparing breakfast for my lovely sister and me. Nothing special just toast and omelette. I would be fine with honey loops but my sister hated them with passion so I had no other choice but to cook something which she would eat.

"Ren.. Wake up", I yelled as I made my way to my sister's room. As usual I got no response from my sister. She is a heavy sleeper. She can sleep even with wild parties next door. It's really hard to wake up her.

I saw my sister sleeping comfortably curled up in the her mickey mouse comforter. She was snuggling into her blue teddy bear. She was sleeping peacefully as if I was not yelling for her to wake up. I was seriously irritated. Who would not be after having a eventful morning as me? But I can't show that to her cuz I love her a way too much.

After ten minutes of torturing her, she finally woke up. Her blonde hair was a mess.

"Good morning, kate", Renny said to me.

"Good morning, kiddo", I said ruffling her hair.

"Hey..! Seriously? kiddo? Kate, I am just two years younger than you, I am 17 next week.... ", Renny said trying to fix her hair which looked like a bird nest.

" Okay... I was just teasing you btw how is new school? ", I asked her.

" Good I guess. I didn't steal any spot lights yet. I got a friend though ", she said as she got out of her paradise. Yeah, Yeah you heard it correct she named her bed, paradise.. That's crazy I know. She has a weird habit of naming her things. Her teddy's name is twinkle. She named her teddy bear after her favorite rhymes.. Funny I know.

" Anyway, get ready. It's already
late", I said to her as I walked out.

I started to unpack the boxes. It's not like I have class until afternoon so I thought of making use of that time to get some work done. The box I was unpacking was full of books. Don't judge me.. No, I am not a nerd nor my sister is. I just love reading. My sister don't though.. She is more into pom-pom than books. Yeah, She is a cheerleader.... Don't judge again. She is not slutty. She just likes cheer leading and dancing. I was not even surprised when she said she got into cheerleading team in her new school. Music and singing was never her thing. It was mine. Did I say before? I am attending a arts and music college. I always wanted to be a guitar teacher. God! I sound like a mother to her than a sister, right?

Mother... Even a mere thought of her definitely spoiled my mood. You may be wondering why I was doing all these works and where my mother was.. God! I don't even prefer calling her my mom.. My egg donar thought it would be fun to mess around with guys leaving us all alone. I don't even know who her present boyfriend is.. All I can say is that he is definitely rich as I am getting more allowance than usual. It has been two years since I saw her last time. I don't even know we're she is now. New York? China? France? I have no idea. No, we are not rich to visit these places. We are more like below average. The thing is she always gets rich boyfriends and fools around with them. Not once I have seen her being generous to her boyfriend. She is such a gold digger. I really feel ashamed to say that I am her daughter.

I don't even know why she didn't abort me . I have no idea who my freaking father is.. I mean my sperm donar. I asked her who my father was when I was five. She freaking said to me she had no idea either. What a wonderful way to answer a five years old? Note the sarcasm. I know Ren and I don't have same father but  I still love her. She is the only family I have now. Yeah I do have egg donar. But I don't consider her as a family.

"Kate, want some help? ", Ren asked me as she was munching her toast.

" No, Ren. I got it here. I guess you are going to miss your school bus.",I said.

"Oh! Sh*t. Bye kate", Renny said me and sprinted out.

After unpacking half of the boxes, I took a hot shower. I changed into a ripped jeans and a black cropped top. I lined my eyes with eye liner to give myself a bad ass look. Of course I must dress up. I do have a reputation to keep in university . I put up this tough act there . God! And the funny thing is they believe it. I really don't want to be that girl who I was in high school. I don't want to do that mistake ever again. I don't think people can do those things to me now. They are too  scared  to even talk to me. They do gossip a lot about me though .

I do drink when I get too depressed and all. But i seriously don't know how it Spread all over Uni that I am alcohol addict and I can't go a day without doing weeds . I have heard people call me slut, not to my face though. I am a virgin for cry out loud. They say I smoke but in reality I can't even stand near a smoking person without ensuing into a coughing fits. There are lot of rumours like I killed my ex and buried in my school football field as he dumped me there and that I work as a stripper in club, and that I kicked a pathetic dog which was crossing the road. Too funny I know. I do work in club but not as a stripper but as a waitress in evening. The real story about dog was other way around. I was the one who was running with a dog mercilessly chasing me. I am the victim here. Even thinking about that day makes a shutter run down my spine. I just shook my head as if it would remove all these thoughts away.

"Yippee! Time to hell hole", I said to myself as I locked my house.
......... @..........

I know this is not great but I promise you guys. The story would get better eventually.

Btw please do,





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