Chap 2

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Hey lovelies!!
Thanks for reading!!

Harry styles as Ashton Brooks. (Imagine Harry with short curly hair as in the pics above)

I am currently in luv with
Song: it's you by zayn
Book: Percy Jackson and the lightening thief

I dedicate this chap to wandering-girl
This is not a fan fiction.
....................... @............

Kaitlyn POV
          My University was not too far from my new place. It was just 20 minutes walk from here. I walked as slow as I could so that I don't reach the hell hole early.
After 30 minutes of dragging myself, a huge dull grey building greeted me. That was our history and instrumentation block. Yep, you read it correct. We have a separate block for music history and instrumentation. Our college was kind of ostentatious. After all, Music history and instrumentation was not much useful subject, atleast not for me.

I adjusted the strap of my one side bag and kept on walking forward. I heard catcalls as usual. Bitch. Slut. Whore . I turned around and glared at the clique behind me. Those poor girls almost crapped in their pants. They were too scared to even face me. They were looking anywhere but me. I just gave them a specific finger and went off to my locker.

I grabbed my stupid notepad which I must use to take notes in class. Like I seriously listen to anything in history. I had not even started to write anything in that notepad, not even my name. I seriously don't know why the hell I must know about history of music. All I wanted to become is a guitar teacher. I am not going to do anything with the knowledge of who freaking found every musical instrument on earth. I can't change anything about this system of education. So I must probably stop mulling about it. That's it. Period.

It seemed like I have spent too much time to grab my things. The class had commenced already . Anyway I am going to get in trouble. Why not do it in a style? I opened history class door with a bang. All pairs of eyes in the classroom were currently on me. The class was too quiet eagerly waiting to watch the showdown between Pathetic excuse of professor and me.

Most of the history staff was either a strict loaf or a boring old chap. But mine was neither. She was just a couple of years older than us. I seriously have no idea how the hell she managed to get a degree at that young age. No, no she was not a sweet teacher who everyone loves. Okay you got me. I don't like her and as far as I can see most of the girls doesn't either. But guys almost worshipped her. Which guy won't love a slut? She flirted with almost with every guy in a metre distance from her. She wore the clothes which was very much shorter than what Renny's old friend's wore. Remember guys, they are cheerleaders.

"Ms. Keller. It's so nice that you finally decided to attend my class.", My professor said sarcastically . Her voice almost made me gag. I have never heard such a high pitched annoying voice ever. I seriously pity her future husband.

"You must feel lucky, teach", I said and  smirked just to get on her nerve. I can see that she was getting irritated as she took a breath slowly to keep her temper in bay.

"I do not encourage such attitude,
Ms. Keller", she said glaring.

"How many times do I have to say, teach? I don't f*cking care", I said rolling my eyes.

"Mind your language when you talk to me, Ms. Keller. And It's Ms. Jensen to you", she said trying to cool off her temper. I can almost see fumes coming out of her ears.

"Whatever ", I said as I turned to face the students. Most of the guys were glaring me as I almost won the showdown with their sweetheart. As soon as I returned their glare. They backed off. Scardy cat!! Hahaha... Girls were like they wanna give me high fives. Let's be practical no one is bold enough to even talk to me. So high five is big no.

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