Chapter 6

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Candice as brittany.

Kaitlyn POV

We were on our way to Ally's parent's house. Ally was driving, I rode shotgun and Ren sat in the back seat. I just noticed that Ally was wearing a coolers. It was hideous if you ask me.

"What's up with this stupid sunglasses? ", I asked Ally.

" Unlike someone some people likes to travel in style", Ren said.

"I wish I could say that", Ally said and sighed.

"Remove that damn glass, Al. No offense but you look like a freaking blind psycho ", I said.

Friends should be honest, right? The coolers really looked bad on her.

" Fine",  she said and removed her glass.

"OMG!!! Put the glass back and stop the car", I yelled. She did as I said and turned to look at me. Ren saw me as if I had gone mad.

"Get the hell down ", I said she looked puzzled but did it anyway. I switched seats with her.

" What the hell? ", Ren asked. Ally turned to look at Ren. As soon as Ren saw Ally's eyes she asked," Are you high? ".

" Hell no. I don't even do drugs", Ally said and shrugged.

"AL, you look like a freaking zombie. What the hell happened to you? Wait I know... A zombie bit you and now you turned into one too, right? OMG!! OMG!! My best friend is a zombie. Don't worry I won't give up on you", I said dramatically. Ren face palmed herself at my dramatic response.

"For heaven 's stake, stop sputtering nonsense. For 1. Zombie didn't bite me.  2. Even if  it did, it won't change me into one. 3. This is real world and there are no zombies", Ally explained to me.

"Whatever. You are just jealous of my cool theory", I said.

"Believe me being bitten by zombie is anything but cool", Ally said.

"Don't mind her. But what happened to you eyes? They are so... red", Ren asked.

"All thanks to my brothers and their crownies", Ally said with venom in her voice .

"What did they do now? ", I asked her curiously.

" Yesterday I opened my apartment door only to be greeted by the sight five Devils aka Supernova and evil Bitch of my roommate sitting on the couch and watching some stupid show. I just avoided them and went  to my room. I had my dinner already so I changed into my pjs and was getting ready to bed . As usual, before going to bed I went to bathroom to brush my teeth. I squeezed the paste, applied it on my brush and started to brush. At first it was normal , then my damn tooth brush stuck to my freaking teeth. Those idiots replaced my tooth paste with quick glue", Ally said with murderous expression on her face.

"But that does not explain why you look like this? ",  Ren asked her.

" I am not done explaining. Patience people ",  Ally said dramatically . I just nodded my head for her to proceed.

" I tried to pull the brush out but no luck. It was like it stuck perfectly to my teeth. I don't even know where the hell they found that strong glue. For hours, I tried everything. Hot water, cold water, mouth wash and even vinegar but no luck. It won't come. I could her their laughter from my room. I wanted to kill each and every one of them right there. I gave up and called Mark. If he don't know him, he is my neighbor and he also happened to study dentistry. That guy successfully removed the brush from my teeth but that dumpster dyed my teeth freaking orange. I scrubbed my teeth all night but it won't go. ", Ally explained.

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