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Hello students.

Today's lesson is on the cons of tours.

Okay, if your all time favourite band is going on tour, your immediate reaction is:


But.. When you look at the tour. Its usually a million dollars/pounds/goat, WRONG STUPID COUNTRIES (Ireland problems) or they are touring with a band you don't like. *cough* Panic!'s Tour *cough*

Sooooo. When I find out that F.O.B are performing two hours away from my home. I ask dad if I could possibly go and what does he say?

"ha cool no"

If you read my Panic! Book (spon spon) you will already know that my dad thinks that F.O.B are a kids band but he "doesn't mind that one about the door" susly daddy


Class dismissed

*takes a swig of lemonade*

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