No More

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"I've never seen anything like this," said Chiron as he examined mistform Percy's body, which seemed to be turning transparent again.

The team had carried Percy's body to Chiron after it had fallen completely unconscious. They had been looking for help, but Chiron wasn't really giving much advice. Hours had already raced by.

"What exactly do we know about mistforms anyway?" asked Piper with a frustrated face. "Is this natural?"

"Maybe mistforms really have to pull off an Aurora and take a beauty sleep once in a while?" Leo chimed. After putting a hand to his chin as if he was thinking, he approached Percy. "I know! Maybe a kiss?" Leo leaned in closer to Percy's face and puckered up his lips.

"Leo!" Annabeth yelled, slamming her palm at Leo Valdez' face and shoving his head to the floor, making him stumble.

"Ouch," the son of Hephaestus complained. "It was only a joke! I was just try'na help."

"Help with what? With making me more annoyed!? Sorry, but the only thing I think you'd be good at right now was burning up some useless trash or something. But in that case, I'd think you'd better burn yourself." Annabeth bursted.

"Double ouch," Leo said, rubbing the nape of his neck. "Fire doesn't burn me, but I think I just got roasted."

Annabeth paused for a moment. After taking a deep breath, Annabeth Chase sighed. "I'm sorry. I went too far on that one." She offered a hand to Leo and steadied him as he stood up from the ground. He brushed dirt off of his clothes.

Piper was holding hands with Jason and she rested her forehead to Jason's arm. She was wondering what she'd do if ever Jason was taken away from him. Then she imagined feeling that horrible dread three times. That was what Annabeth was through. And although "haggard" was written all over the daughter of Athena's face, you could easily see that she was still being strong. She was still trying to hold herself together to some success. If Piper was in her shoes, she wouldn't know what she'd do. If Jason disappeared... she probably wouldn't be able to live life like that. Maybe she wouldn't be suicidal. But, she wouldn't necessarily be living either.

In the distance, Leo nudged Frank lightly with his elbow. "Hey," Leo said quietly, like their conversation was supposed to be top secret. "What's the funniest animal you can think of?"

Frank looked at Leo quizzically. "Is this another joke?"

"No. What's the funniest animal you can think of? So maybe you can turn into it and let off a little tension in this room," he replied. "But not an Iguana, okay? Cuz, you know, we've already seen that before."

Zhang, remembering his stupid and embarrassingly hilarious attempt to escape the chinese finger trap, slapped his forehead. "I don't think that's going to-"

Suddenly, Hazel made a loud and sharp inhale.

Frank approached Hazel with a worried look. "Hazel? Why? What is it?"

Hazel looked at him. "I can't feel him anymore..." She was shocked. Just a second ago, she felt that the weight of keeping a mistform in check was taken off of her shoulders with her energy surging back into her. And, she wasn't sure whether to be realieved or not.

"You can't feel who..?"

Another loud inhale. When Frank turned his head, this time he saw that it was Annabeth who did it. And, it was easy to see why. Percy was low resolution again.

Leo stepped near Perseus and tried to touch his chest. But, similar to when Percy and Annabeth attempted to touch palms the first time they saw each other again, Leo's hand passed right through him. "He's not hard." Leo blinked. "Solid. I mean he's not solid again. It's times like these when you need a courageous and manly hero like Leo Valdez to-"

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