Gods in Olympus

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Meanwhile, in Mount Olympus, the gods watched the whole event. Poseidon shot Zeus a very angry look. His son and pride, Percy, had just died and every demi-god was grieving. The gods and goddesses looked at Zeus expectantly. The god of lighting was on the hot seat. Nobody spoke, but there was obviously a cold war between the Olympians.

"My son," Poseidon said, breaking the silence. "Is dead. Gaea is defeated." The god of the sea's form flickered, quickly turning into Neptune then back to Poseidon. Zeus stayed emotionless.

"Zeus!" Hera said to snap her husband back to reality. "All we need is your word."

Zeus looked at his wife. "You broke my orders." He said.

"I was not the only one!" Hera said to defend herself. Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares and almost all the other gods shuffled in their seats knowing that they were one of those people who disobeyed Zeus. "If I hadn't broken them, that would've meant the destruction of the world! And don't tell me that you haven't broken any oaths. Remember? You swore on the River Styx, but had two children with the same mortal..." Hera mumbled with a mix of jealousy.

"Fine!" Zeus said. His form changed. He turned into Jupiter. "The gods and goddesses can now make contact with the mortals and their children again. Unless there are any objections?"

"None here!" Mars said happily. Without permission, he disappeared into thin air with a flame. Then, one by one, the other gods did the same. They disappeared from their chairs and teleported to one place: Camp Half-Blood. They disappeared until the only people left were Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena and Dionysus.

Dionysus was drinking a can of diet coke and acted as if he'd barely noticed what had happened. He looked up from his can casually and looked around. "I guess this means that I should be going too, huh? Well..." Dionysus stretched and was about to disappear when Jupiter stopped him.

"Wait." Jupiter said, and his form turned Greek again. "You have spent the most time with Percy Jackson in camp."

"Peter Johnson, ah yes, I remember." Dionysus said.

"Well, what can you say about the current happening?" Zeus asked, not minding that the wine god got Percy's name wrong.

Dionysus widened his eyes and tilted his head. "What happening?"

"The death, Dionysus." Athena reminded him.

"Death?" Dionysus asked. "Why? Who died?"

Poseidon's face turned red with anger. "Have you not been watching or listening at all?!" This was the first time that the gods had seen Poseidon this angry.

"Woah woah! Lord Poseidon, I didn't mean to offend you. I know about Perry Johansen. But what exact opinion do you want from me?"

Zeus looked at Hera and at his brother. They had a telepathic conversation with each other. Hera nodded, urging Zeus to ask the question. Finally, Zeus gave out a big sigh.

"Your opinion on whether Percy Jackson deserves to come back or not."

"What!?" Athena said. "That is preposterous, father! Breaking the rules of the dead for one hero. We cannot do it!"

Dionysus sat upright. He held his chin with one hand and thought for a while. "You're giving me the privilege to decide?" He asked, not minding Athena's sudden outburst.

"Part of the decision." Hera said.

Dionysus thought of all the times he was with the hero. The very first time he met him, Percy didn't make much of a good impression. His manners badly needed improvement and he didn't know how to play pinochle. Dionysus practically hated him.

"Well, he was never my favourite demi-god. He was rude. Yet that one time he gave me a whole ship loaded with treasure and diet Coke-" Suddenly, his form turned into Bacchus. "But I would prefer diet Pepsi..."

"The point, Bacchus!" Hera said. "Is Perseus worthy of a second life?"

Bacchus turned back into Dionysus. He always wanted Percy dead. He let him out of his vines one time because he thought that he would die in his quest. But that kid was hard to kill. So now that he was already dead, why would he choose to bring him back to life, only to once again annoy him?

"Percy... he is most likely going to Elysium for his said heroism. Why rob him of that pleasure?" Dionysus asked.

"That's the question we're asking, isn't it?" Poseidon said.

"In that case," Dionysus said, finally answering the question. "Your son should stay in Elysium!"

"That's one opinion." Hera said. "But I've done so much to these heroes. I believe that he deserves it, and I stand by that belief."

"We cannot bring back the dead." Athena objected. "That's almost even worse than breaking an oath to the River Styx! I am not in favor."

"Well, I am." Poseidon said. "And that means two of us."

"That means," Athena said, looking at Zeus. Zeus turned into Jupiter once more. "We need a tie breaker. What is your decision, Jupiter?" Athena asked.

"I will not cast a vote." Jupiter said, authority in his voice. "I do not want, nor do I dislike bringing the hero back. Another Olympian must decide."

"Who?" Athena asked. "All the others have made their way to the camp! Who do you suppose will vote? The air?!"

"Your daughter- the one who got your precious Parthenos back and went to Tartarus because of it- is suffering because of my boy's death. Don't you care about her, Athena? What use is all your brain without a heart!?" Poseidon asked.

Athena took a deep breath and sighed. "I only want what is wise to do." Athena said, trying to calm her nerves. "Anyways, the matter is at a pause while there is no fifth say. Nobody else is here."

"I am." a new voice suddenly said. The gods and goddesses looked at the direction of where the voice came from. It came from the warm fire that blazed in the middle of the room.

Dionysus narrowed his eyes. "Did the fire just... speak?" He asked, stupidly. Athena rolled her eyes at the god.

"Sadly, Lord Dionysus, the flames don't speak. At least... not really. The color of the flames change to the emotion in the palace, but they don't talk. I was the one that spoke." From behind the blaze, a woman came out wearing a simple brown shawl. It was Hestia, the ex-Olympian.

"Ah, Hestia. I barely noticed you." Dionysus said.

"You barely notice anything." Hera mumbled, obviously annoyed.

"Can I give my say, lord Jupiter?" Hestia asked with humility. Jupiter nodded, giving permission to the goddess. Hestia cleared her throat and started. "I have met Percy only a few times. He has noticed me tending the fire at camp, but I have learned that he is a good man. He has a pure heart and a brave soul. If I could get him back to life, I would."

"This is not possible! We cannot bring anyone back to life! He denied our offer to make him immortal after the war with Kronos. He should pay for his actions." Athena objected again. Her form flickered into Minerva, then back to Athena. The goddess held her head with a hand. "Ah! And these headaches aren't helping at all!"

Jupiter looked at her. "You'll learn to ignore it." he said. His form changed into Zeus. Then Zeus raised one of his eyebrows.

"And who said that we'd be giving him back his life?" the god said mischievously before standing up from his throne. All the other immortals left in the room looked confused.

"But the vote was in Percy's favor. Zeus? Zeus?!" Hera said frantically to her husband that was walking away.

"There's no time for your words. I must call Hecate at once if we are to do what you say." Zeus said, not turning around.

Athena's eyes widened in realization. "You're not thinking of... that, are you?" But Zeus had already disappeared with a loud roar of thunder.

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