The Fight

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Percy Jackson, breathing very heavily, lay there on the ground . His blood was all over his body to the point that his skin appeared to be red. The small portion of skin that was visible was even paler than Nico di Angelo's skin. There was a three inch diameter gaping hole in the middle of his chest where Gaea's dirt sword had been.

Percy had sacrificed his body in order to save the world from the Earth...

Well, it sounds pretty unorthodox when you say it like that.

The other six ran towards the dying hero and knelt around him. "No, no, no, no, no" Annabeth kept muttering as she knelt to the left of Percy. "No! Don't leave me like this, Seaweed Brain!" Tears were welling up in her eyes.

Her hand was shaking so badly, but she managed to hold one of Percy's hands. It was supposed to make Percy feel reassured. Instead, Annabeth felt like she was trying to reassure herself. Percy's eyes seemed much more calmer than Annabeth's and everybody else's. She felt as if by holding on to her boyfriend's hand she could somehow hold onto his life.

Percy looked horrible. Jason Grace stared at Percy for a while, feeling panick and surprise. Earlier, the son of Poseidon was doing so well fighting all those monsters, giants and titans that it seemed like this was all going to go as planned. Jason and the group had gone through so much in the time they were together. So far nobody had been seriously hurt.

Percy and Annabeth even walked through Tartarus and ran through Chaos and still came out alive. Percy had proved to be one of the best friends in the world. Loyal, kind, gentle, brave... It seemed almost impossible for this friend to die. "The Fates and gods can't be that bad?"Jason thought. But now as he saw Percy, he felt what that Luke kid Annabeth has told him about must have felt: Utter hatred for the gods.

Jason panicked at first. Percy, the person who had served as the leader of the group on the way, was now not in the state of leading them. So that technically makes Jason the one to take care of the others. "Hurry!" Jason ordered. "Get him to the ship! Get some ambrosia and nectar! Call Coach Hedge! And Leo, set the course for Camp Half-Blood. Get there as fast as you can. Go!"

When Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge had made it to camp, the war still hasn't started. Coach's kids weren't born yet, but the pregnant nymph was safe. When Reyna had gone to the Roman camp, Octavian, along with the select few who were probably workers of Gaea, killed her. With the other Romans not knowing. But the Greeks knew what had happened and Nico had felt it.

Nico sent Coach Hedge along with Ms. O Leary to shadow travel back to Greece. Nico felt like the seven would be needing the satyr. It turns out that he was right.

Leo and the others nodded at Jason's orders, except for Annabeth, who stared at Percy in shock and denial. Piper held Annabeth's shoulder. "Come on, Annabeth." Piper told her. Annabeth nodded and hesitantly let go of Percy. Frank immediately let go of a crying Hazel and scooped Percy up like a rag doll. Then he hurried back into the Argo II, following Leo.

The others followed. Frank looked at Percy. He was so limp and his face looked like he'd given up. Like he was ready to accept what was the inevitable. But the team didn't want to give up. They've never given up. They didn't give up when they were fighting Clytius at the Doors of Death. They didn't give up when they were fighting a whole army of ghost legionnaires in Alaska. And they weren't giving up when their dearest friend, Percy, needed them the most.

Frank remembered the time before Percy got pierced.

Frank had just taken down two Laistrygonian giants when he heard an agonizing scream from one of his friends fighting Gaea. At first he thought it was Hazel. It was an impulse being a caring boyfriend and all, plus the noise of all the battling.

But then he realized that it was a man's voice. And just then, he saw Annabeth yell "No!" as she just escaped from the pole she was tied on. Gaea had promised to slay Annabeth and Jason on those very poles to mark the place with their blood. I guess that didn't quite work out well for her.

He realized that the red glow around his body disappeared as Ares's blessing wore off on him. His father, Ares, had blessed him in the middle of battle. It disappearing must've meant that the fight was over. And when Frank looked around, true enough, it seemed like they'd defeated every monster there was.

Suddenly, Frank felt something hit his foot lightly. When he looked down, he jumped in surprise. It was Gaea's head with a look of shock in it. It was thrice the size of a regular soccer ball. Frank took a step back as he looked at the head. It was slowly turning from solid rock into mud. Hazel, who fought alongside with Frank as she rode Arion, looked at what Frank was staring at.

Arion whinnied in fear as he saw the earth mother's head, but calmed down later on when he saw that she was dead. He whinnied again as if to say "Yeah! In your face, dirt face!" Somebody from the group must have decapitated Gaea. Hazel went down her horse and Arion immediately ran away. She let him, becase obviously they had won. The proof was right at her feet.

But when Hazel stepped closer, A whole bunch of diamonds, rubies and other precious jewels suddenly erupted from the head, destroying their trophy of victory. "Oops." Hazel said. Frank smiled. Gaea didn't matter now. They had won and they were all safe...

"Percy!" Frank suddenly heard Leo yell.

Or maybe not all of them.

Frank had almost forgotten about the yell of pain he'd heard earlier. Him and Hazel ran towards the sight of the fight between Gaea and the others. When they came close enough and saw what had happened, they stopped in their tracks.

"Oh no," Hazel muttered. "No! Percy!" They kneeled near Percy and Hazel shrunk into Frank's arms. She wished that this was all a dream. That her dear friend Percy wasn't really dead. She cried like crazy into Franks armor. The whole trip she'd tried to hide her weak side, like when she'd met Hecate at the crossroads. But she just couldn't help herself as she saw him bloody. A few chunks of cursed gold appeared around her as she cried.

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