13 Seconds Late

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.


A pair of forest green eyes darted towards the cheerful cuckoo clock sharply.

"Well. Well. Well. It's 3 o'clock. Guess someone chose suicide today..." a light, mocking voice muttered with a tinge of annoyance. 

"Hmm. Pity, T. I always thought you wouldn't dissapoint. I-"


"I'm here! Heeerreee! And look what I've got!" a cheery, anxious voice interrupted as the pastel blue door flung open.

A pair of dark, blood red heels clicked on the marble floor as it made its way across briskly. The forest green eyes met a pair of chesnut brown eyes, as the edges of dark, red lips curved up into a smirk.

"You're 13 seconds too late, my dear."

"Ah, yes. I am quite aware. But if you would look into what I've brought this time..."

The black paper bag held by Trey Matthews was instantly snatched away from his cold hands. He fought a smirk at the impatience and eagerness over his offerings.

"This better be good..."

"Oh, it is, love."

She swept her blonde hair over her shoulder carelessly as she tore her gaze away from the paper bag to glare at Trey's brown eyes. 13 seconds late meant a lot to her and it took something special to make up for it. Slowly, her small hands opened the paper bag as her curious green eyes darted around at the contents in it. 

Trey held his breath.

Finally, her voice, now trembling, whispered,

"Where did you get these from??!"

Trey relaxed, noting that as a good sign. Walking to her side, he wrapped his arms around her waist and threw her a cocky grin.

"Its a secret. You like?"

Recollecting herself, a hungry grin crept onto her lips. Her perfectly manicured nails traced down Trey's chest slowly. 

"Only one way to find out." she grinned then emptied the contents of the paper bag onto the kitchen counter hastily.

Trey grinned to himself. This girl. This beautiful blonde who carried herself with such sophistication and maturity that scared the hell out of his party hard and female addicted friends, with skyscraper high stilletos, overwhelming choice of wardrobe, piercing green eyes, thick full lips and thick, wavy, luscious blond hair cascading down her back. The most filthy minded men of all times would even be terrified of her despite her alluring beauty.

He shook his head and chuckled. She could pass as an assassin, a dangerously, breautiful one.

He leant against the counter by her side as he watched her dark, red lips move before trailing his gaze down to her throat as she swallowed. Dabbing a napkin at her lips lightly, she murmured,

"Ohhh, I love you."

"I know, mi amor. I know." Trey grinned as he watched the glazed look in her eyes.The look instantly vanished, as she frowned at him. 

"Not you. I meant this." She pointed at the dark blue wrapper before her before sighing blissfully. Trey eyed it warily, wondering what sort of drug was in there that lured her in so easily, considering how she had once rejected a date offered by a shocked looking Ryan Reynolds. He picked one of those round, darkly coloured addiction of hers, and cautiously popped it into his mouth. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as he tasted an overly sweet taste and rough texture. 

These stuff could give me diabetes!  He exclaimed to himself incredulously. He averted his gaze to the gorgeous blond, shocked to find her gulping down her 3rd packet full joyfully. Her dark, brooding, dangerous facade was gone, replaced by a ecstatic, hyper, lovestruck persona. Unbelivable. Noone would've guessed her ultimate weakness was these circular stuff that he had caught a distate of.

"Honey, I just don't get what you love so much about this sickeningly sweet stuff..." Trey muttered, eyeing the wildness in her eyes warily. 

She simply ignored him, savouring her sugary sweetness, not a thought of the effects on her diet. Trey simply smiled at her unladylike scarfing and thanked himself for participating in her little game. Her little game where she required him to bring one of her unhealthy candies every Tuesday, before the clock strikes 3. He had brought many sorts of goodies over the month, the usual being lollies and chocolate chip cookies.

Why he participated in her little game? Easy. To humour himself. It was exciting to see the consequences if he failed the task and the adrenaline rushing through him when rushing to meet up to her time limit. Also, her expression when she receives a junk food she doesn't approve of was hilarious, he sometimes found himself getting those bitter chocolate intentionally. 

He remembered once when he couldn't make it to her home to deliver a lolly due to an urgent call from his sister to tutor her for the following day's exams. He returned to school the next day to find a collage of photos of his various underwears pasted on his locker for everyone, including teachers, to see. He chuckled at the memory of his Spongebob, Buzz Lightyear, Green Lantern, Smurf, Minnie Mouse (yes, he had a little crush on that Disney character), Teletubbies, Justin Bieber and so many more embarrassing boxers stuck on his locker where a laughing crowd has surrounded for closer inspection.

"You know, if you hadn't turned up with these heavenly Oreos, I would've given your number to Mrs. Oswald." Trey turned to the blonde with his jaw dropped, slack.

"You wouldn't!"

"Ohh, we both know, sugar cakes, that I would've."

"But she's obsessed with me! God knows what she would've done with my number in her dangerous hands..."

"Awww, I think you two make an adorable couple, T."

"She's about fifty-one!!!"

She didn't reply, simply gave him an evil wink. Trey stared at her shocked, doubts running through his mind about this "little game". Just then, she slithered over to his side and kissed his nose and whispered,

"Carpe Diem, cookie monster."

Instantly, the doubts vanished. Oh yeah, thats why, Carpe Diem. 

"Bring it on." he whispered back.


Hey, Okay, I need feedback on this prologue so that I know whether its turning out the right way I want. And kudos to u guys who figured out what her addiction/ contents of the paper bag was. :)


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