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They spent the next couple of days enjoying each others company.

Everyone on Twitter was still freaking out about how inseparable and adorable they were.

Right now, they were going through the airport security to get on a plane.

Luke got a little nervous just because he couldn't stand by Faith for 5 minutes so they could go through the security.

They were young and they hadn't been dating long, but it was true love. Anyone and everyone could see it.

When they got through, they clung to each others side. They both had a strange feeling, like if they left each other alone for too long, they would just slip between each other's fingertips.

Everything went according to plan.

They got on the plane and cuddled together while watching movies.

They were riding in a private jet, so it was a lot more comfortable than a normal plane.

They were in the middle of watching Anchorman 2 together with the rest of the group when the plane jolted forward and began shaking.

The group of young adults looked at each other in horror. The captain told them to put on their oxygen masks and to stay calm, that he would have it under control in a moment.

Luke helped Faith slide hers on and then got his own on.

They hugged each other and Faith let a tear roll down her cheek as she clenched on to Luke's shirt in fear.

Ashton nervously chewed on the inside of his cheek as the plane jolted again.

This time it didn't steady out.

The nose of the plane started heading towards the ground and they could all feel it.

They knew these might be their last few moments.

"I love you so much Luke." Faith cried in fear.

"I love you, too." He told her. "You guys are the most important people in my life. I love you all so much." He told them.

They all hugged each other and cried as the plane kept descending towards the ground.

They all exchanged words, saying how much they mean to each other. Calum, Ashton, and Michael all hugged and cried into each others shoulder.

Luke and Faith took off their oxygen masks and kissed as they felt the plane plummet even more.

The kiss was broken by the plane reaching the ground. The front half of the plane immediately was destroyed as it slid across the ground.

Their bodies were thrown around in the seatbelt as they all held on to each other for dear life.

They all said on more "I love you" before oil spilled over he engine and an explosion occurred.

Within minutes there were fire trucks and police cars lining the scene.

When the fire was out they went onto the plane.

What they saw was horrifying. All of the bodies were bunt to crisp, but you could easily make out the shapes.

Faiths body had been pulled close to Luke as he had his arms wrapped around her. The other 3 boys were in a group hug.

Later that evening, what was left of the their belongings was shipped off to their families.

Nothing out of the ordinary, but in Luke's, there was an engagement ring in a burnt little box. Liz cried at the sight, knowing his little boy was planning on proposing.

Not everyone's lives carried on. About 300 fans had committed suicide because those boys were the only thing that kept them holding on.

Their families were never the same again.

One thing that confused everybody: nothing out of the ordinary was wrong with the plane. It was a mystery that no one ever solved.

All 5 of them got into heaven. They moved on up there and kept an eye on their family and did everything they could to help everyone who needed it.

They may no longer be on Earth, but Luke did propose and they had 3 kids.

It wasn't quite the same, though. They didn't have their families to be there with them. The band didn't play at concerts.

Nevertheless, they couldn't be more thankful for the endless hours they spent on Twitter.


Hey guys! This book is probably complete crap but I wanted to see if I could pull it off and I did.

I wrote this book in under 24 hours.

It's really bad, but I told myself I would do it, so I did.

Thank you for reading!

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