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I like to wait for
The mockingbird's visit
Every morning,
I like to listen to
Its enchanting melodies;
I've stared so much at it sing
That I now know
Many of its magnificent colors
But not all.

I once found a flower
Blooming in mid-January
Majestically smiling to the cruel world
Emblaming the cold with its
Delightfully beautiful colors;
And I wanted to pick it up,
Make it mine,
But a voice told me not to,
So I made it mine with my eyes.

Cotton clouds on a soft blue backgroud
Were enjoying life at a slow pace
But just one of them caught my eye;
It was so innocently white,
And had the shape
Of the universe I think,
It was so still, motionless;
But so lively, and it seemed almost as if
We were staring at each other.

Twenty SixteenWhere stories live. Discover now