CHAPTER ONE: Going Where?

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I was frustrated and I had to escape. "Bennett! You Finally came! welcome to Paradise or as normal teenagers call it, Party." My friend Thomas put his arm on my shoulders. "I'm ready to really party tonight." "What's with the sudden change? you didn't want to party a few days ago?" "I just needed a break from all the partying and drinking but I'm ready." He laughed and patted me in the back. "What first? will it be the drinks or-" I chuckled. "you don't even need to ask me that, Tom. Drinks First." He led me to the built in bar he had in his parents house. "here is everything you might need for the best drunk night ever!" I started drinking beers, then vodka, and then just plain alcohol the rest of the night. all I remember is dancing with a girl who looked like a prostitute from what she was wearing and then making out with her and getting a hickey. I danced a little bit more and then decided to grab some eggs and run around egging houses. After those pranks, I just ran back with the friends I was with to Thomas's house and they kept on drinking or making out with people while I just passed out in Thomas room.

I woke up with a pounding headache but it didn't hurt as much since I'm use to it. I took some pain killers and left into my car a decided to drive back home. After ten minutes, I finally got their and went to open the door. I quietly opened it and closed it but when I turned around, my parents were sitting in the couch waiting for me.

"You guys are here instead of work? That's a surprise. Don't tell me you got fired from your own company?!"

My Father was the first to stand up.

"Stop with the nonsense! Where were you last night?! We're tired of you being out late and coming back home late and getting into trouble!"

"You guys take the time to scold me yet you don't take the time to spend it with your son! I'm tired of this sh-"

My mom then slaps me in the face.

"Don't you say bad language to us or in this house, young man. I've taught you well an-"

"You guys haven't taught me anything! guess who taught me to ride a bike? our housekeeper Steven. Guess who taught me how to cook? our personal chef Gustavo. guess who taught me how to be polite to others? our maid Rosita. you guys have never taken the time to teach me anything. you just give me money tell me to buy whatever I want with it!"

"Don't blame us for what you do and what you've become!! You drink alcohol which we don't do, you smoke which none of us do either for the sale of you. you've been in jail as well"

My mom sighed and sat down across from me.

"What am I supposed to do, Bennett?- Bennett, your father and I have something to tell you. Your Father and I have decided to send you with a family friend of ours in Florida. we decided it would be a good environment to help you get away from everything you know about here and relax."

I couldn't believe this.. so they don't even want to deal with me.. they just wanna send me off somewhere I don't even know about.

"Going where?"

"To Orlando,Florida son."

"Well, I'm not going! sending me away won't help or change me-"

"Son, you don't have a saying in this.. your going to Florida and that's final! go pack up your things.. your leaving in five hours."

After saying that, they got up an left for work since they were already dressed up for it. I went upstairs and packed up all my best outfits,shoes, and everything else I might need. I brought my unlimited debit card since my parents reload it every week with more money. I guess thats their way of saying 'I love you'. I put on a muscle shirt that was white and it said "Adidas". I also put on some black joggers and the Adidas with the famous three black stripes on the side that make it different. I packed up my stuff and went downstairs and into the kitchen to get something to eat before leaving. I then noticed on the counter was the airplane ticket and some cash just in case, I guess. then I saw a note.

"Mom and Dad love you! Even in our busy lives we don't ever forget that your our son and we love you."

Yeah, right. maybe they do love me but I'll never really know. I grabbed the tickets and left out the door since my driver was waiting for me. I then go outside and get in the car to leave.

"Thanks for waiting, man."

The Driver then smiled.

"No problem. it's my job anyways."

"Do you want some chips I grabbed from home?"

"Don't mind if I do."

We then started eating chips as we drive off to the airport. When we finally got there, I grabbed my one piece of luggage and said bye to the driver. We had our own plane but I guess they were using it so I had to go in a normal plane. I did the whole taking off shoes process and scanning your luggage and checking your ticket process. I then got on the plane and got my luggage in the top carry-on bin and sat down waiting for the plane to start his engines. it took about five hours to get to Florida but I was entertained by movies and tv shows with the built in tv they had. I quickly got out of the plane when they told us we could and I just waited for the sign that said "Mr.Johnson.". as I went down the escalator, I saw a sign that said "Mr. Johnson" and walked over to the man behind it. he looked like he was in his mid. 30's and hardworking.

"Are you Mr.Johnson?"

"Yeah. who are you?"

"I'm Gabriel West. I'm a friend of your fathers. I don't think you remember me, you were too little but you used to call me Uncle Gabe."

"Cool. So um are we leaving or what?"

"Yeah. let's go."

We got in his car and drove off. I asked him if we could stop somewhere and eat a quick bit and we stopped at McDonalds and I got a vanilla milkshake and some fries and a McDouble. I offered him food but he kindly didn't accept it.

"I forgot to tell you, Bennett that we're going to eat dinner at Olive Garden since I love their food and its my wife and I's Anniversary."

"Congrats. Anyway, I'm gonna take a quick puff outside."

I got up and was about to pull out a cigarette but I guess I left them back at the house. Guess ill be buying more later on. I went back inside as he was standing up ready to leave out the door.

"So soon, Bennett?"

"Yeah, I forgot my Damn cigarettes in California but ill buy some later."

"Why don't we get going so you can unpack and get ready for dinner."

"Lets go."

We got in the car and drove to his house. His house was in a normal neighborhood with big and small houses. We finally made it to his house and it had two floors unlike my house since my house had like four floors. we got out of the car, grabbed my stuff, and went inside.

"Well, make yourself at home. Your room is up the stairs, the second door you see to the left. I'll get ready in the downstairs bathroom."

I went upstairs and into the room I would be staying in. I put my stuff next to my bed and just threw myself onto it. "How did I get here?"


I hope you like this first chapter.
Don't worry.. Hazel is coming in the next chapter. If you still want to know, his wife is currently at work and he was gonna pick her up at work for dinner.

I wonder what's gonna happen the next chapter?

Love you guys!

Copyright @pridanielis

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