CHAPTER SIX: Football bets

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Hazel POV

So Friday came quicker than expected. the while week was pretty much filled with a lot of homework and Bennett flirting with me time to time but I know he's just doing it to bother me and see if I believe it. we started talking more and more and have become I guess friends or at least acquaintance. Sarah and Zach as always showing off that there the best couple in school which personally I think they are.

I'm currently in my room getting ready for the game tonight as I put on a white rolled up boyfriend tee and some shorts with my new Chuck Taylor's I just got last month. I put my long hair down and just put some leave in conditioner to make it curlier and just left my bangs how they were so then when I put my hand through them, they'll fall perfectly in place I guess. I put some lip balm that had a little shine and pinkish to it and some natural makeup powder and some mascara. I put liner making my eyes look bigger. when I was satisfied with how I looked, I walked downstairs where Bennett was sitting down with my dad talking about sports and my mom was in the kitchen. I went up to my mom to see what she was up to.

"Hey mom."

"Hey, sweetie! I made some Mac N' Cheese and I know it's your favorite. I made two plates for you and Bennett."

"Thanks mom. what about you and dad?"

"Me and your father are having our little own romantic dinner and then after we'll-"

"Don't say it mom! I don't need to know the disgusting details.. no offense."

"It's not disgusting to me but non taken."

I grabbed the Mac N' Cheese and offered Bennett which he reluctantly said yes to since I practically forced him to eat it. after we were done, I told mom and dad to have fun and we left into the car to drive off to the game.

"I didn't want macaroni and cheese you know."

"Look, my mom made them and its only polite to at least accept it but nooooo you just had to be the rebel and say no to the food my mom made special for me and you to eat."

I think he got a little upset seeing the frown on his face.

"Macaroni and Cheese bring not so good memories I don't want in my head right now, ok!?"

I was taken aback but quickly nodded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It doesn't matter. just drive, please."

He was so upset over macaroni and cheese which was funny yet confusing and weird. I dropped the subject and kept on driving until we got to the football field parking lot. Bennett got out first and I took longer but made it out into the field as Bennett sat next to Sarah. I saw Zach and I waved at him and he excitedly waved back. The referee blew his whistle and the teams started walking to the football field where the ball would be kicked or thrown. I noticed some girls looking at Bennett and almost drooling over them and he smirked at them and have them a playful wink. others were looking at me with jealousy and rage. I didn't know why because its not like I own him.. he could do whatever he wants.

It was already halftime and they give the players about ten minutes to drink some water and have a game plan.

Bennett then tapped my shoulder.

"Ill be right back, ok?"

I nodded and he left. I talked to Sarah for a little bit until there was three minutes left until the game started again. I remembered I brought some snacks so I didn't have to buy the overpriced food here but I left it in the car.

"Hey Sarah, ill be right back. I'm gonna get some snacks I brought for us."

"Awesome sauce! hurry up before the game starts!"

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