CHAPTER THREE: Helpless Conversations

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Hazel P.O.V

My parents gave each other gifts as we ate dinner at the restaurant. They looked as if they were getting married again from how happy they were. I stopped to think about how I wished I were as happy as them one day being with the person you love. Sadly, love hasn't decided to turn up yet.


But there's ways hope for me..I guess.

Everything went smoothly after the dinner. I was about to drive back home but my parents wanted some alone time before going back home and I understood. But they asked me if I could take Bennett with me. I hesitated but didn't want to ruin my parents evening so I said yes. Bennett and I took the left overs that we didn't finish with us and got in the car. I had a black mustang since I like cars that look sporty. I was about to get in when Bennett tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, can I drive?"

I looked at him cautiously.

"Are you gonna kill me or kidnap me or both?"

He gave me a small chuckle and smirked.

"Sweetheart, I think I wouldn't of asked to drive. I would've just taken your keys from your hands and forced you on the car if that's what I wanted to do."

"Can't argue with that."

I gave him the keys and he got in the drivers seat and turned on the ignition. I told him how to get back home and he nodded and drove off.
There was an awkward silence but he then cleared his throat and started talking.

"You have a nice ride."

"Thanks.. my parents bought it for me because I got good grades."

"So your a good girl,huh?"

He caught me off guard but I quickly came up with a comeback.

"Just because I get good grades doesn't mean I'm a good girl."

He smirked.

"Ok then, tell me that you aren't scared to sneak out of the house from your parents and that your going to a college you want and not a college your parents want."

I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it again until I knew what to say.

"I don't sneak out because I don't go to parties-I don't like them- and my parents just want the best college for me-"

"But is that what you want?"

I don't know... is that what I wanted? I internally shook my head not wanting to listen to him.. I mean he's a party animal and a trouble maker and from what he's shown me... annoying.

"This is helpless! why should I answer or even listen to you?"

"Because I've experienced life more than you and I've lived, princess."

"Don't call me that."

He then chuckled and smirked.


I rolled my eyes and turned to the window as I felt my face heat up.. Are you kidding me? I never blush for anyone..weird.

"I'm done with this conversation. I'm just not saying anything else."

"You actually look prettier that way."

I internally grunted and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Just leave me alone and drive."


Ughhh! He is so annoying and he thinks he knows everything. we're the same age for crying out loud! I bet he's that typical BadBoy at his school in his hometown that sleeps with all the girls at his school. It took him longer to get us home than what I usually take but since its his first time, it's forgivable. we finally reached my house and he turned off the ignition.

"I guess we're here, then."

He tossed the keys to me and I locked the doors as we walked inside.
He then threw himself on the sofa and turned on the T.V before I could even say 'make yourself at home.'

"Make yourself at home-but it looks like you already made yourself feel like home." I mumbled to myself.

He then looked back at me as I was going upstairs.

"Hey, do you have any chips or popcorn?"

I looked at him dumbfounded. Do I look like your maid?

"But you just ate dinner."

"What does that have to do with what I'm asking?"

"That you just-ugh, forget it. there's chips in the cupboard and popcorn in the small food closet. I'm going upstairs to sleep. so if something happen-"

"Nothing will happen. goodnight, Hazel."

"You don't know that. and you didn't even let me finish! If something happens, call my parents or just knock on my door.-Now, I'm leaving."

He waved goodnight as I left upstairs. he got so irritated so quickly like if he were bipolar. I wonder if he is?

I got in the shower and stayed under the warm water for what seemed like forever but was only fifteen minutes and got out and dried myself. I put my underwear and favorite pajamas which consisted of black loose shorts with a white line on the edge and a black tee shirt that showed some of my stomach. I put my hair in a messy bun and decided to watch Netflix on my laptop as I sat in bed hugging a pillow. I suddenly started getting tired so I stopped watching 'The Fault in our Stars' and closed my laptop. I put it on my nightstand next to me and got under my covers, just staring at the ceiling. I thought about my friends and the dinner. then I thought about the annoying Bennett. he had those ocean blue eyes and that perfect messy hair with the perfect face and body. his lips look so perfectly plump and amazing you just want to sit on them- I don't want to do that, though. I'm practically making fun of his lips by comparing them to cushions even though they look nothing like cushions- I'm just gonna tell my consciousness and mind to shut up and go to sleep.

Bennett's P.O.V

I didn't know his daughter was that pretty. she came in and at first, I thought, "Woah, that girl is hot!-Why is she walking towards us-ohh, that's his daughter." She seemed nice but she's that type of girl that goes for the golden boys or the cliché love-dovey ones.. I could see it from a mile away but sadly, I'm not that type of guy.

She said 'hi' to me and asked me how was my flight and blah blah blah. I didn't listen to the rest. the waiter then called us and we sat down. since it was her parents anniversary, they were first to order. Then Hazel ordered chicken noki soup and that was actually my favorite soup since I eat it all the time in California but it would be weird if I told them... I'm not trying to bond with them..Anyways, they asked me what I wanted and I asked for the same soup and the breadsticks. During the meal, they started talking to me and Hazel but at one point ,she just dazed off I guess because she was staring at me. I guess she didn't notice I was looking at her too. "are you ok?" as I said this I smirked and she shook her head. She looked a little annoyed but was still able to let out a "I'm fine." as she turned to her parents. After that, all I heard was blah blah blah crap crap work crap blah blah. Then after an eternity of waiting, I finally left with hazel back to the house. I drove since she let me and we had this argument about her being a good girl and she got upset and whatever. She ended upstairs and me watching tv downstairs.

Boy, this is gonna be a long stay.


Well, maybe Bennett might be bipolar..who knows? Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you read the rest of the chapters as like this book. if your upset about how the story is going or if you want to suggest something different for a next chapter, feel free to do so.





Love you guys! xoxox


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