:::First Day:::

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Warnings: cursing.

::Ava Bellemoore::
My alarm clock was blaring loudly in my dim-light room, yet I was already awake. I couldn't sleep knowing today was the first day of school.
And no, there was no excitement there.
It wasn't even a typical first day of school. It was the middle of the school year. Back in Texas, I would have already graduated by now. At least, if Zane, My damn ex-boyfriend didn't get in the way.
But he did. And now I'm in Beacon Hills, California. Probably holds the record for the most murders.
I groaned as I grabbed my black backpack and flung it over my shoulder. I began to walk down the stairs towards the kitchen.

I could already see Ezra, my older step-brother, making waffles.
"Morning." I said, sitting down on one of the stools and taking a orange.
"Morning. Excited for your first day?" He smirked, knowing full well I wasn't happy.
I groaned, "I'm a little annoyed that I have to go." I said honestly, "but I'm looking forward to a new start. A new.. Me?" I shrugged as I continued to peel my orange.
Ezra laughed as the toaster spit out more waffles, "Really?"
I thought for a moment. Sure, I was looking forward to having an extended "summer" vacation before college, but really. Now I could try new things. New place, new me, right?
But I knew nothing could replace all the memories of high school with my pack. Now most of them are dead.
I tried to push those thoughts away, "Yeah. Really." I finally said as I heard someone start coming down the stairs. I turned to see Alice as she began to head towards the front door.
"Hey, need a ride?"
No answer. She opened the front door. "Guess we're pretending we don't know each other?" I yelled as she slammed the door.
I sighed heavily and looked at my half-peeled orange.
"Guess so then." I mumbled to my orange.
Ezra gave me a sympathetic grin, "Sorry, sis."
"How long do you think she would be mad?"
He looked at me as if I was stupid. "Well, given that she had a full ride to the Arts Institute to become a director, and now she doesn't... Plus the fact that she can't see her mom or brother, I'm going to assume a long time."
I frowned. "I know. But-"
"It's for her own protection."
I gave up on my orange and threw it away. I began to stand up. "Did I make a mistake?"
"What do you mean?" Ezra asked, pouring syrup on his stack of waffles.
"Making Alice and Kit... Run away with me?"
He looked up at me, his eyes full of concern. "No, Ava. You did what you needed to do. Zane would have-" He gulped. He really didn't like thinking about death, especially after his mom died when he was just seven. "Who would have known what that bastard would have done. He's a monster."
I gave him a small, sad, smile and shifted the bag on my shoulder, "Thanks, Ezra."
He smirked, "Anytime, Ave."
I began walking towards the front door, "See you later!" I screamed back just as I closed the front door.
I could see Kit's truck was already gone. I sighed as I climbed in my four-door, red, Jeep Wrangler.
I was already a klutz on my first day of school. Hell, I didn't even make it inside of the school before I ran into someone and dropped all of my notebooks.
I quickly scrambled to grab my books, ignoring the awkward "sorry"'s and "i didn't see you" from the other person.
I stood up, ready to leave when the guy handed me my small, brown leather notebook. The one where I keep every supernatural-related information in.
"Oh, thanks!" I said a little too loudly, practically ripping it out of the guy's hands. I stopped when I realized his energy.
He was human, I knew for sure. But he definitely was around other supernaturals. I could sense a banshee, a kitsune, a were-coyote, and a...
I felt my heart skip a beat.
Relax Ava, not all werewolves are evil. I tried to tell myself as I looked into the soft brown eyes of the human in front of me.
He smirked, flashing his pearly white teeth. He had messy dark brown hair, and I could tell he was just a walking ball of anxiety and fear. Did he know about the supernatural world?
He gulped, "uh sorry, again. Wasn't paying attention." He avoided eye contact. I could tell he wasn't used to talking to girls much.
I flashed him a smile, "no it's OK." I said, "do you think you could show me where my classes are?" I asked, pulling out my schedule. His anxiety practically skyrocketed, but his grin grew.
"Sure." He said as we began to walk towards the building.
"What's your first period?" He asked me."
"Economics with Finstock."
He chuckled, "we have the same first period."
Wow, what a coincidence. I could tell I was probably going to get to know him well.
"Really, that's cool." I smiled at him, trying to sound interested. In a way, I was. But more interested in why he had so much supernatural energy around him when he was definitely human.
"Stiles!" I heard someone scream behind me. The boy next to me quickly turned towards the source.
"Hey, Scott." He said, as the boy- Scott, caught up with him. I could immediately sense he was a werewolf and could feel my heart start racing. I wondered if he could hear it.
"Oh, uh-" he began to stutter, starring at me awkwardly. Yup, he definitely noticed. Could he sense I wasn't human too? I wasn't sure if I wanted him to. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to deal with more supernaturals after what happened with Zane.
"Oh, this is- actually, I didn't catch your name." Stiles looked embarrassed.
"Ava." I said, sounding like I wasn't really paying much attention. I was too focused on Scott's energy. I could sense more wolves, the banshee, the were-coyote, and especially the kitsune. The human must be apart of his pack.
Then I realized that his energy was strong. Like, Alpha strong.
How was he an alpha at such a young age?
"She's in our first period-" I heard Stiles say. Scott was just looking at me intensely. As if I was a threat.
"yeah, which if you don't mind?"
He practically jumped, "oh, yeah- right!" He said before quickly leading me to the classroom.
The Alpha followed.
I really thought I could get away from him by going to class, but apparently he was also in our Economics class. And so was another werewolf. Two others, to be exact.

Jesus, the rumors were true. Beacon Hills was a literal Beacon of the supernatural.

Sorry this was short.

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