He confesses his love for you

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You and Justin have been best friends
Since you were in kindergarten but
ever since you were in the 7th grade you've had feelings for Justin that just wouldn't leave,but what you didn't know was Justin felt the exact same way.

Justin's pov
How in the hell do I tell her that I'm in love with her..I mean I can't just walk up to her and be like "yo y/n wasssup! By the way I'm inlove with you,so wanna get some ice cream? she'll probably slap the shit out of me.you know what I'll call her,invite her over so we can hang out and tell her...God I hope she feels the same way.

I scrolled through my contacts until the familiar name popped up
🌹😍One True Love💋🌻(dafuq? Am I writing?) I clicked on the name,waiting for her to pick up,
Hello?, Her soft voice ranged through the phone
"Hey y/n I was wondering if maybe you wanted come over and chill for a while"? ,I said hoping she said yes.
"Yes sure I'll be over in 15 min". After that she hung up... God I'm bout to loose my mind

Y/n's pov
After I got off the phone with Justin
I got in my car drove to his house which was only 15min away.
I walked up the steps and knocked on the door.A few seconds later Justin opened the door.....SWEET BABY JESUS HE'S GORGEOUS. Justin was shirtless with sweats that hung dangerously low on his waist " Hey come in",he said.
I walked inside and sat on the couch "So what movie we watching?" I asked
"How about The Last Witchunter?"he asked
"Ah shush and watch the movie"

*skipping the movie cause I'm a gangster ....no I'm not I'm scared of the dark and butterfly's and loud toilets.... Anyway*

After the movie Justin was acting kind of ...off
Justin what's wrong with you?

Justin's pov
Okay...here I go
Y/n ....I'm inlove with you okay? I think you're the most beautiful,smart,funniest girl I've ever met.Never in my life have I ever met someone who cares about me like you do,understands me like you do.I just really appreciate you for staying be my side all these years.

"Justin" ,she whisperd

Shit she doesn't feel the same way
"I love you too",she smiled
I think my soul just left my body.
Well the Miss Y/L/N....will you be mine?
" HELL YES",she screamed.

"Ah thank God" ,I said in relief

Finally she's mine and I'm gonna keep it that way.

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