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He led me down the stairs, and back to his apartment. As soon as we were inside, he pulled my shirt over my head, and dropped both of our jeans to the floor. He pulled me upstairs to his bed, and curled up on my body like a cat.

"Mark... will you sing me to sleep? And... will you help me break up with her tomorrow?"


I wracked my mind for a song, and came up blank. So I decided to make one up.

This is actually a song I'm working on. Please don't steal.

Lead me like you would a child. I'm too lost in myself to care.
Everything is broken
I'm shattered beyond repair.

Don't cut yourself on the jagged edges of my scattered pieces, because broken hearts pierce deep.
I destroy and ruin all, not even my sanity can I keep.

I'm miles above the solid ground. I'm floating lost and can't come down.

I don't want to rule alone
Here upon my broken throne

Take my hand and stay with me
I'm running on adrenaline and caffeine.

Nowhere to hide
Nowhere to run
I fear my time is almost done.

Crazy freaks together
You and I we'll see the world

You put me back together
I'll keep you in one piece.
Hold me in your arms at night
And we can keep the peace.

Immortal: Septiplier Where stories live. Discover now