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I took a deep breath, mind jerking around. For a moment, I wondered why Alaska hadn't woken me up at all in the night, since she usually took my blood pressure and temperature every four hours. Then I realized I was no longer in the infirmary.


I groaned upon recognizing Jackie's voice. I pulled my blanket over my head.

"Come on! It's already seven," she said.

"'Already?'" I repeated, voice muffled.

"Breakfast ends in an hour."

"But it's so early!"

"Oh, come on, Nat!" My roommate grabbed my blanket and pulled it down. I blinked in the sudden light. "There's something I want to talk to you about, anyway."

"What?" I sighed.

"I'll tell you if you get out of bed."

Her blue eyes sparkled mischievously. With a roll of my eyes, I carefully sat up. Though the bullet was virtually painless now, it had become a habit to move slowly, especially when using my abs.

"Where's Leslie?" I questioned as I lifted the covers.

"She always leaves early," Jackie replied. "It's a workaholic thing. I honestly think it's a miracle she sleeps at night."

"Why does she work all the time?"

"I have no. Freaking. Idea. She's just always been like this."

I furrowed my brow. "How long have you known her?"

"Oh." Jackie's eyes widened. She quietly said, "I don't really know if I'm supposed to answer that."

I felt my jaw clamp. "Right." Another reason I hated G.U.A.R.D.

Leaving Jackie in the room, I went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I took off my shirt, I heard something crash on the floor. Looking down, I saw the seashell necklace staring up at me, the words on its back seeming to scream out at me. It made my thoughts revert back to the life I had before the memory-erasing experience, and I firmly told myself to find something out today. Any little bit helped.

Slipping the black thread back over my head, I grabbed the black tank top I had picked. However, before I could put it on, I caught a look in the mirror. Around two inches above my belly button, another inch to the right, was the scar from the bullet. It was just a denture in my skin, or at least that's what it looked like. The skin was a little pinker around the area, too. No one would have guessed I was shot.

With a swallow, I slipped into my shirt. On the front was a gold outline of an eagle. The animal that signaled freedom. I wondered if G.U.A.R.D. gave me that shirt on purpose.

"Nat?" Jackie asked impatiently, banging on the door.

With a suppressed groan, I picked up my pajamas and plastered on a smile before opening the door.

"Give me a minute," I told her with fake patience.

Going to the dresser, I placed the clothes inside and, while trying to be discreet, I also put in my necklace. I wanted it on, trust me, I just didn't want anything to happen to it. Finally, I pulled on my lanyard. Then I was ready to face Jackie.

She wore her red headband, like always, but had on a different shirt. This one had a giant picture of a mustache.

"What did you-" Before I even got the question out, Jackie opened our dorm door and stood in the entryway.

G.U.A.R.D. Book #3: RecusantWhere stories live. Discover now