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Amara, Anakin and Padmé were silently waiting in the back of carriers. After being caught by the bounty hunter in the droid factory, he then took them in to the separatists who decided they would be executed.

Amara sighed out on annoyance as she stood in a carrier behind the one Anakin and Padmé had resided in. Raising her hands up to her face, she tried to understand how she was shackled yet again.

Shaking her wrists she heard the clanking of the metal chains, cursing under her breath. They had to be a way to escape this situation. She wasn't going to stay here, she couldn't. She had worked to hard to simply end up being executed.

She remembers Padmé's belt carried many different small tools, and she believed Padmé had to have had an object that could get the shackles off. Needing confirmation Amara turned around in her Carrier now getting up to see in the next one in front of her.

She was about to call Anakin's name but she stopped herself when she suddenly heard him and Padmé conversing. She just couldn't understand how this plan could have gone so wrong.

It truly was a simple mission... Arrive on Geonosis, rescue Obi-Wan, and leave without being noticed. But somehow, going through a droid factory, being attacked by native creatures and getting caught by a damn bounty hunter made its way into the plan.

This made Amara furious.

Getting back on track she looked over at the two in front of her wondering why they were soeaking so quietly. It made it almost impossible for Amara to hear, but she focused hard trying to catch what they were saying.

"Don't be afraid." She heard Anakin say towards Padmé. Amara could see the look on Padmé's face noticing that she was trying to figure out her words. But instead of filtering them, she just let the words flow.

"I'm not afraid to die...I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life." Padmè spoke quietly to him sparking Amara's undivided attention.

Being nosy was a selective trait, and one that Amara favored. It got her into business that shouldn't have been her own to begin with. But it also made her present to life changing decisions.

"What are you talking about?" Anakin wondered confused by Padmé's statement turning to look in her eyes. You could tell by the way she had been acting this entire time that she had deeper feeling for him then she let on.

Amara knew what this feeling was. It was something she didn't know very much about. It was love. Amara didn't know what it was like to love another person besides her family, but she had witnessed it with Anakin and Padmé, and it was something she found beautiful.

"I love you.." She softly said barely even a whisper. But she looked afraid when she said such words. Amara could even feel it from where she was that Padmé was trembling as she spoke her words.

Reunited♛[Star Wars] {Book 1} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now