Chapter One - Casual Evening

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  • Dedicated to PewDiePie and CutiePieMarzia

I can still clearly see the night the game began. It was just a casual evening with some friends. There was Anthony, Ian, Kalel, Cry, Ken and Minx. We had all decided that we should meet up for fun. It had been a week and we had finally run out of things to do so we decided to just spend a quiet evening in our hotel. It will also be helpful to add that we were in Spain at this moment in time, all of us had wanted to go there.  

The hotel was awesome, we had everything from video games to a minibar in there. We spent the whole night playing games, basically what we did every night just with others. It was then that the power went out so I was nominated to go down to the lobby to get any information I could. 

The lobby was nothing special, the rooms were a lot nicer. The people at the front desk were nicer than most; they weren't grumpy or make it seem like you were wasting their time, it was almost like they enjoyed your company. Anyway they told me that it was just the electric company and that most of Mijas (It's pronounced Mihas btw) had lost their electric. After thanking them I returned to the room reporting the news back to the guys. 

Luckily it was slightly light outside, so we had a bit of light. In the hours that we had no power we went through many games, I Spy, Squeeze Murder, Boy Meets Girl and the boring, girly stuff like that. Eventually we ran out of games. However we still had one left to play; Truth or Dare?

The power still hadn't come back by that time so we decided that it was the best we could do. 

"Alright, who's first?" Anthony's voice seemed to echo in the dimly lit room. "I think Ian should go first. So truth or dare Ian?"

"Truth." A shout of 'coward' came from Anthony gaining a ripple of laughter from the circle.

"Hm, what would be a good question to ask Ian?" Anthony sat in thought for a minute whilst the rest of us waited impatiently. "Who was your best friend before me?"

Ian thought for a moment before answering, "No one, didn't have a best friend before you. Right I think Kalel's next. So Kalel, truth or dare?" 

It was obvious that Ian wanted her to pick dare so Kalel being Kalel she picked truth.

"Are you're so rubbish K! Well truth it is. It you couldn't have Anthony who would you pick out of the guys here?" A 'ooh' erupted from the circle, all eyes now on Kalel waiting for her response.

"Um. It would have to be... Cry. He's the most mysterious of you." Laughter once again rippled round the group as Anthony protectively placed his arm round Kalel. "Well Minx your next."

The night continued this way, we had found more fun out of Truth or Dare than we thought we would. It was as 9 o'clock drew that I made the fatal mistake of picking one of Anthony's dares.

"Well, well, well Felix. Feeling brave aren't we? Hmm. I dare you to..." He paused thinking for a while. An evil smirk crept across his face as he looked to the door then the wall joining our room to next doors. "I dare you Felix, to go say hi to the person next door."

Truth Or Dare? - Felix and Marzia A.K.A PewDiePie and CutiePieMarziaWhere stories live. Discover now