Chapter Six - Great Friends

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After breakfast me and Kalel go for a walk round the hotel, just getting to know each other a bit better. Me and Anthony are basically brothers but I've never really socialized with Kalel before but it turns out she's amazing. She's really funny and sweet and best of all, she's on my side. 

It's only now that I get to know her that I understand why Anthony's so head over heels in love with her. I mean there's nothing not to love about her yet Anthony's told me that she gets all this hate for things she did years ago; I can't understand people sometimes but they're most likely jealous that she has the boy they all dream of marrying. Well if I heard Anthony right, their dreams will be crushed soon enough.

It's not long until the conversation turns to Marzia and I have a fear bubbling in my throat that Kalel actually might change her mind and side with Anthony.

"So does she seem nice?" 

"Yeah really nice and she's so beautiful. Only problem is she hardly speaks English and I speak absolutely no Italian." It's starting to play on my mind actually, this whole language barrier.

"That's no reason to worry, if you want to make a relationship work then you'll try to. Language wont stop you from trying will it? Anyway, like I said before, you're a big boy and you know what's right for you and what isn't." 

Her words bring a smile to my face and my conversation with Anthony a week ago flashes into my mind.

"I'm going to propose to Kalel."  My eyes widen at him and a smile appears on my face.

"No way! When?"

"When we're in Spain, I don't know exactly but when it feels right I guess. Man, I'm so nervous just thinking about it. Do you think she'll say yes?" 

"Of course she will!" I can't believe that Anthony, out of all the people I know, is going to propose to someone. He used to be so shy around girls until he met Kalel. He was always himself around her, he never tried ridiculously hard to impress her, which is how a relationship should be. If you really like someone you shouldn't have to go to the lengths of changing who you are to get them to like you back. Anthony's one of the lucky people who likes someone and they like him back.

"Do you think I'm making the right decision Felix? I mean I love her more than anything but do you think it's too soon?" I can tell he's really worried but I honestly don't understand why.

"Dude, of course it's the right decision! You love her more than anything in this world and you need to hold on to that, it's not to soon Anthony; you two have been together for almost three years now, that's longer than some married couples!" He smiles at me and nods looking down at the ring in the little black box, gently slipping it back into his pocket.

Now that I've talked to her and really got to know her, I believe that Kalel is perfect for Anthony; she's basically the female version of him. I don't know when he'll propose but he better do it soon, we don't have long left in Spain.


Hey guys! I finally updated it! This chapter isn't so good but it does get better! I promise! See ya guys soon! =^.^=

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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Truth Or Dare? - Felix and Marzia A.K.A PewDiePie and CutiePieMarziaWhere stories live. Discover now