Chapter 1

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***top pic Sophia***

Chapter 1

Standing in front of the mirror my long brown hair fell down past my waist. In the nerd world it was considered Elvin princess style. It was flawless and glossy falling perfectly with a slight curl in it at the ends perfect ringlets. My skin a pale cream color flushed from the shower but flawless. My eyes a soft grey today reminding me of the beginning of twilight when the world slowly faded to darkness framed by thick black lashes. My lips small and pink.

But no smile touched my perfect lips, or wrinkled my eyes. A frown creased my lips. Tears welded up and I struggled to hold it in.

I didn't know how long I could keep it up. If the Alpha knew of it he would yell and scream. And I would be punished again.

I wasn't the perfect daughter. He reminded me with every mistake I made. Every time I broke a rule of theirs he reminded me. But it was hard. I was human after all not like them in built or wired like them.

"Sophia the party is going to start" the pack Luna knocked softly on the door.

"Be right there" I managed as I forced a smile and stepped out.

"You look lovely" she praised warmly with her soft almond brown eyes running over me. " now remember Drake has went through alot of trouble to get this party together . Stay by me through the night and don't say a word to anyone unless spoken to" she instructed as she brushed my hair back and fixed it back with a silver baret.

"Yes Luna" I whispered keeping my eyes down.

"You've grown into the most beautiful woman" she sighed softly. "I always knew you would become so beautiful"

"Luna why do I have to go? " I peaked up.

"Someone special is going dear. Your our daughter so you have to be. And it will be good to get you out of the house finally. You never leave it"

"I'm not allowed to go out" I reminded.

I wasn't allowed off the pack land except for school. I wasn't allowed to make friends with any humans. The only people I could talk to were pack members but they hated me.

They ridiculed me and humiliated me any chance they got. They didn't like the 'meat bag' around sense I was human and not like them. I couldn't go on the night runs with them because I couldn't change and I couldn't stop a man dead in his tracts from just one flutter of my lashes. Boys found my disgusting and a unsuitable mate because I was incompatible gene why's to beak a child of there's.

"You'll be 18 soon Sophia your coming out party will be soon" she quickly changed the subject. "Have you picked your colors? "

"Rose pink and cream" I whispered as she tied the laces to the gown tighter.

"That will go so lovely with your skin tone" she praised. "And the flowers? "

"Roses white and pink" I wrung my hands"

"Good, good" she stood in front of me and brushed my hair back softly with her fingers. " and have you picked a male to walk you out? "

I shook my head quickly. "No" I felt my heart race. I didn't know who to ask or who would want to. I hadn't talked to any of the males my age sense I first was brought here.

"Asher has asked" she smiled warmly and I relaxed slightly. "He's a nice male"

"Is he ? "

She nodded and clapped her hands. "Off we go darling Drake is waiting and the guests will start pouring in" she pushed me along with a huge grin on her face.


"Sophia" looking up at Alpha Drake I offered the warmest smile I could muster. "Alex was just asking what you plan on doing after graduating"

I blushed fiercely. "I want to study culanary art" I whispered meekly as I met Alex's eyes timidly. "They have the most wonderful places in Italy-"

"But Sophia wants to stay closer to home" Drake finished with a fake smile. "She's already enrolled to a number of fine school closer here has five acceptance letters and more to be coming?" He boasted with real pride in his eyes.

But his response puzzled me. Not just eysterday he had ripped my head of so to speak because I has asked to go study over seas. I was shut down naturally and put in my room for the rest of the night.

"Why that's wonderful! " the Alpha/Luna grinned fondly at his mate. "Isn't it Drogan?"

"Yes" his mate smiled fondly back and looked over at me with a curious look. "Its a shame you didn't want to go over seas to study I know a few of those school all of which are top of the line. Every single one each student lands an amazing job that pays well"

I looked away quickly for the fear fo him seeing the longing I felt in my heart. "Home is where I'd like to stay" I whispered.

"Have you any scholarships?" Alpha/Luna Alex asked curiously.

"A full ride to any one of her choice" Drake butted in quickly. "She's valedictorian, top of her class. Straight A's"

And then came the boasting. He was always the sort to boast about anything stealing the lime light of anyone's in the blink of an eye.


Standing along the side of the room with one arm tucked behind me my hand grasping the other lightly I watched everyone chat and dance.

By now the wolf bane liquor was floating around and the meery laughtor filled the small room.

"Your the little Luna." Jumping I looked up into the hodded figures face.

"I-" I was at a loose for words as I stood there frozen.

"Sophia right?" The voice pured the vibrant violet eyes where locked on me.

I nodded slowly remembering the Luna's words. Chat, be meery, laugh, smile, stand straight with my chin up. Act like the future Luna.

I nodded mutly.

"Don't say much do you kid?"

I scowled instantly at the word. Kid. I was practically an adult . "I am no kid" I stated trying to put some nonexistent back bone into my tone and something sparked in his eyes.

"Your right your all woman" his eyes trailed over me hungryly. " I'm Ghost" he added after a moment. "Tell me Sophia are you happy here? "

I prickled instantly and nodded quickly forcing a large smile. "Of course! They treat me so well here and I love them to death" I praised almost choking on the word love.

His eyes darkened through the darkness of his hood. "You sad little bird" he whispered. "I bet they have you say that in front of a mirror till your blue in the face " I stumbled a step back when he stepped closer placing on hand on the wall by my head. "I bet you wish you could go over seas I seen that look in your eyes. I seen how you looked away quickly. But you've seen to much little bird. They won't let you leave"

My heart was racing wildly and my mouth was dry. Why was he doing this?!

"What I could do is get you away little bird. What if I could open the cage and free you? Would you go little bird? " he dipped closer his breath fanned over my neck I held my breath.

My knees felt weak.

"Poor little thing" I gasped softly when I felt him inhale sharply. "Scared to death I bet this is the first time a male has gotten this close. Answer me little bird would you?" He placed a large hand on my waist his thumb rubbing a small circle searing my skin and making my thoughts swim and my knees shake.

"I-I love it here" I faked. Its all a trap they did this. Its a test.

He gave a sad sigh. "Poor little bird" he pulled away "your fooled little bird they won't let you leave this place not even for college. You'll soon be trapped and unable to ever get away"

With that my vision blurred as my knees buckled and all I could hear was a scream and a voice yelling.

"The little Luna has fainted! "

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