Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


"Stop breathing" I snarled as Tanner stepped into the library in which I had been holed up in.

He stopped in his tracks with large eyes. "What?"

"Shh" Jordan shoved his hand over his mouth and scowled at him. "No talk-"

"Jordan I swear I will-"

He snapped his mouth shut sharply and scowled at Tanner.

Tanner looked confused as I typed vigorously at the computer with narrowed eyes. After another ten minutes I pressed save and submit and shoved the laptop away with a scowl. "I hate this!" I hissed and slouched in the chair holding my head in my hands.

I jumped when I felt two tender hands on my shoulder kneading slowly. "How'd the test go?"

Pouting I shook my head. "I don't think I will be getting straight A's anymore"

"nonsense your as smart as they come" Jordan comforted.

"I am not!" I snapped with a little more force then needed. "I couldn't even do the answers without looking on the internet Jordan! Internet! I had to cheat to even get close to the answer" I stated miserably.


"I need to get these good grades. They are all I need to get into the school I want to go to" I looked up at him. "If I cant keep my grades up-"


"you dont understand each test will get harder I'll be lucky if I even get anything right and its all times." I blinked in shock when he put a finger on my lips to silence me.

"Stop talking alright? We will do home schooling? It will be easier and I'm sure someone here will like to help you out." He stated.

"Jordan" Tanner warned.

"Its what she needs" Jordan stated. "As you can see we will either deal with a grouchy and stressed Sophia or a miserable Sophia" he removed his hands. "Besides isnt Alex planning on becoming a teacher some day?"

Tanner remained silent for a while. "I will go and ask him" He muttered. "Come with me"

"You dont need my help" Jordan snorted. "Sophia needs to relax we will be in the green house if you get word"

I looked over. "Who said I want the green house" I grumbled.

"I say" He held his hand out to me.

I eyed it and instantly answered the pull and took his hand unable to refuse him my eyes drifted to Tanner. He looked angry. His eyes a cold deep ever green color now. His cheek bones dusted with the growing facial hair.

"Now lets go get your bathing suit"

I made a face. "I didn't get one when we went"

"I know I got you one" He smirked and pulled me past a scowling Tanner.

"Jordan we talked about this"

"And I gave you my answer and it is still the same" Jordan stated without looking back at Tanner as he lead me out of the room and I found Ghost pacing the hall. He looked up at me and wagged his tail before licking my hand and nuzzling looking for attention.

"I'm sorry I ignored you" I whispered as I scratched behind his ear. "I had to do work"

He whined in acknowledgement and barked softly as he pranced around us.


"Dont you dare" I pointed a finger at Jordan as he smiled mischievously at me.

He strolled towards me unleashing the full dazzling power of his eyes on me and I was frozen in my steps looking into those eyes barley breathing till he stopped right in front of me a breath away the heat of his body rolling off of him my skin tingled as he reached out and creased the top of my arm.

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