Chapter 4

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***top pic of Nel***
Chapter 4

:Prince Darcy

The smoke bomb was from a unknown origin. My people had never seen anything like it. While the container was sent away to the lab I paced back and forth in my hotel room.

Restless I rolled my shoulders and clentched and unclentched my hands.

12 hours she had been gone. The window of finding a missing person was 48 hours and after that the chances lim to none. But that was in the human world.

In my world I commanded 20 of my men to search for any lead to finding her. Any sign or whisper I would know instantly. Frank was knocked unconscious and his wolf was even struggling under the effects of the smoke.

I ran my hand through my hair. If it effected him like that I could only worry about Sophia and how she reacted to it and the small infant with her.


"Lord Darcy" a mocking voice curled my stomach as I gripped the phone tightly.

"Where is Sophia?! " rare boiled up in me as Kona my wolf growled deeply in mW prowling inside just dying to be let loose.

"Tucked away" the man answered with a sickening chuckle.

"I want to talk to her. I want to know she's alive" I demanded firmly.

He chuckled in response and I growled at the response. No one says no to me.

"She's safe" he hummed softly. "Away from the family that was practically selling her away" he answered. "The little bird was held there, you have no idea what the child had went through"

"She loves her-"

"Any little bird will quote what they are told if they are trained well enough" he stated calmly. "Fear is funny that way. Makes you live a lie. She is better off where she is"

"Surrounded by murderers? Rapists and thrives"

He snarled in response. "My men do not rape they do not steal. "

"They murdered those children at the Orphanage, as well as all the woman that where mated driving their males insane with grief. I've been tracking your activities, I know your pattern"

A low growl rumbled over the phone. "We did not attack that Orphanage. We where by the lake waiting for her to take her walk. When she didn't show we slipped through the line and took her from her room. We didn't kill anyone"

"What of the child? The infant with her is missing" I demanded.

"A human doesn't belong with a pack. You of all people should know what it does to the human. " he stated coldly. "The infant will be placed with a family that will love her"

"Your werewolves so what's the difference of here or there? "

He chuckled. "I am part human Lord Darcy" he taunted and my stomach dropped. Sophia in the hands of a hybrid. The most unpredictable creature on the face of the world with a short fuse and inhuman strength .

"I will find you" I promised through gritted teeth.

"In time. When I chose you will. But for now you may be the judge on what course you will take I gave you something. Have you watched? Pleasant documentary . Its a shock it survived seven years in a bunker that flooded three times. After a couple trys we where able to clear it up." He tsked softly. " to think after all this time people wondered why the great South Kingdom had fallen. Now we know. Well I've know for years. Before everything fell into place"

"If you knew why did you not-"

"Me? Go forward? A hybrid can't step foot in the court room let alone the royal throne room . Penalty is death without a invite" he sneered. "So who's side are you on? Mine or his? The the shit hits the fan what will you do? He will make his move soon. It is happening every second he is closer to his goal. He's who your going to want to look into. He's the reason behind the killings. Its not just your people being effected mine as well" his voice wavoried at the end.

His people.

"I will lend help but only with one promise"

I grunted in response.

"My people are left alone. We will fight with you but at the end we want to be left alone. We will disappear again and never be seen again"

"Your people-"

"Are innocent we may be a bunch of half breeds and wolves but we do not kill the innocent and we do not take what isn't ours" he snapped.

"Sophia" I gripped the phone till it creaked in protest.

"She wanted to come. Her eyes screamed yes when we asked if she wanted to be let out. She wanted to get away. She wants to go over seas to study culanary art. She wants as far away from that pack as possible. They where going to kick her out and mate her to the war wolf. And Misha her precious infant was going to be ripped away from her and given to a family that would raise her the same as they had her. "

Rubbing my forehead I licked my lips. "I want to talk with Sophia before I even make a choice"

There was a long pause. For a second I assumed he hung up on me.

"That will be arranged have your phone on hand" he growled out and hung up without saying anything else.
Slouching further into the chair I grabbed the bottle and took a long drink letting it sear my throat raw.

Standing I walked to the door and threw it open. "Bring the Luna to me" I bit out to my men.

They nodded quickly and where gone in a flash.


"My lord? " the Luna stood in front of me timid her eyes red from crying but hermakeup cleaned up.

"I want to know of Sophia was happy here"

She blinked a couple times.

"And know that lying to me can result in death" I threatened.

She looked down quickly her hands shaking at my tone. "No-Drake my husband" she stammered out. "He treated her horribly. I tried to keep it to a minimal but-he is the Alpha and my mate." Her voice wavored. "She never got to have a normal like. He's kept her on our land and locked away from everyone." She looked up. " it was me who contacted Tanner- I heard rumors about him. He saves the omegas and humans trapped in a hateful pack. He gives them a home and money to start a new life. I thought-shes a bright girl the smartest woman I've ever known. Drake was holding her back from her dreams. Tanner he could give them to her-"

I blanched. "You-"

She nodded through the tears. "She was coming of age. Drake was going to marry her to Zachaey as promised. But with him she was never going to get to go to college she would have been a stay at home wife."

I turned away and walked to the window that over looked the man made lake. I focused on the water. "So you don't want her back here"

"I love her like a daughter I do wish her back but I would be holding her back." She answered. "And- I do not agree with Drakes plans for her. Yes the war wolf is strong and suitable but. You must know my Prince-"

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