Chapter 3

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\|/ Amber's POV \|/

I woke up to the sound of glass bottles clattering around downstairs.

I sighed and got out of bed. While tiredly rubbing my eyes, I walked through the house to try and find Mum.

"Mum?" I called.

"KITCHEN!" I heard her shout.

She was putting some alcohol and money in a bag.

"What are you doing, Mum?" I asked her.

"Shh! I have a hangover! I'm going to a friends for the day. I'll be back tonight." She told me.

"Okay, Mum. Be safe." I said.

This happens all the time. She goes to a friends, gets too drunk to stand, and she will be dropped off by a stranger at some point.

I walked back upstairs and waited for the sound of her leaving.

As soon as she did, I smiled to myself. A whole day of blasting music and playing drums.

I plugged my iPod up to the stereo in my room, and pulled my drums to the center of the room. I put my playlist 'Good for Drums' on shuffle and sat down.

I grabbed my drumsticks as 'She's Kinda Hot' started. What a coincidence.

I took all of my angry energy and used it to beat my drums.

I smirked to myself when I saw the boys watching.


I ended up playing my drums for 3 hours straight. I checked the time and it was almost 4 in the afternoon. I really slept in today. I sat on my bed and contemplated life for a while before I started to do something.

I grabbed my razor and climbed into the attic. The attic was almost 5 ft. tall and it had a window that you could climb out of to sit on the roof.

I did the routine climb up to the top of the roof and sat there. I pulled the razor out of my pocket and rolled up my sleeves.

I pressed the blade to my wrist and started to move it, but I was interrupted by a car slowing down in front of my house. I quickly stumbled back into the window and fled from the attic, to my room. I put the razor away and sat on my bed as I heard my mum stumble in the house.

"AAAMBERRRR!" She slurred.

I glanced out my window and saw the boys watching me again. Are they stalking me or something?

"Yes, Mum?" I asked and took a deep breath.

I heard her stumble up the stairs and walk into my room. She was sweaty and had makeup smeared across her skin.

"Ya know, I don't like you very much." She smirked.

"Okay, Mum." I frowned.

"It's probably because your fat. And you're as ugly as your father." She drunkenly slurred.

"Okay." I said and blinked away the tears.

"'Okay.' Who?" She squinted her eyes at me.

"Okay, Mum." I let a tear fall.

"You're such a baby!" She shouted and stumbled towards me. She grabbed my wrist and made me stand up from the bed.

I flinched in pain as I felt the cuts rip open.

She stared at me and then looked at my arm in her hand. "Why is your arm bleeding?"

"I scratched it earlier." I lied.

She ripped my sleeve up and I whimpered at the pain.

"You're not aloud to do that." She pointed to my wrist angrily

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked in disbelief.

"DONT SWEAR!" She screamed.

That was the last straw.


She seemed taken a back by what I said, but quickly recovered. "You think you have the right to yell at me?"

"Yep." I nodded.

She grabbed my head and smashed it into the headboard of my bed. She punched me multiple times before I felt myself getting dizzy. I pushed her away from me and she drunkenly stumbled backwards.

I took that as my chance so I ran downstairs and out the front door.

"YOURE GOING TO REGRET THAT!" She yelled and sprinted towards me.

I ran down the sidewalk and saw the 4 boys come out of their house.

"AMBER!" Calum yelled.

I sprinted towards him and didn't stop until I got into his arms.

I cried into his chest as I heard my mum scream my name.

"Shhh. I got you. You're safe, now." He whispered as he stroked my hair.

I opened my eyes when I heard sirens. I watched in joy as they cuffed my mum and put her in the car. She spent the whole time yelling at me and falling over, but they did a good job at keeping her under control.

"I'm free." I whispered to myself.

I watched as a police officer was talking to the other boys.

"Hey, I'm gonna go talk to them, okay?" Calum gently pulled away.

I nodded and stood there for a minute, staring at the calming stars.

"They want to talk to you." Calum told me as he approached.

I nodded and walked over to the police officer. "Can you tell me all of the events that happened in the last couple days?"

I told him everything. The stealing, the beating, her partying and coming home worse, all of it. The only parts I left out were the cutting and star gazing.

I walked back over to Calum, and engulfed him on another hug. "Thank you for everything."

"Of course." He hugged back. "Now, go pack your things."

"Huh?" I looked at him with confusion.

"You can't live by yourself. You're staying with us." He smiled.

"Are you serious?!" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah." He laughed.

I hugged him again and went to my flat.

I walked around and put things in boxes that I didn't bother to tape closed since I'm just walking them across the yard. It took longer than I thought it would have, making me realize how much stuff I really had. Looking around I realized this is my chance to change. This is my chance to reach out and try to succeed and what I want to be.

This is my opportunity to make a change for myself.

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