Chapter 9

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\|/ Ambers POV \|/

I heard Calum fall to the floor and start crying while the others were in too much shock to process what happened as I accelerated away.

I ran past my house and towards a street that had old, worn down flats.

"Amber!" I heard multiple voices call after me.

I didn't stop, though.

I caught a glimpse of Luke running quickly behind me, slowly catching up with his long legs.

I decided to turn right at an opening to see if I could lose him.

Bad choice.

He did get startled and had to slow himself down and turn towards me, but I turned into a dark alley.

I kept running while I had the chance to lose him.

I turned right into another alley, but someone grabbed me.

At first, I figured one of the boys had caught up to me, but my suspicion was quickly disconfirmed as a cloth was placed over my mouth and nose.

I had seen this in the movies. I never thought it would happen to me, though. I held my breath for as long as I could, but as long as I could wasn't long enough.

I inhaled and tasted some kind of chemical, some kind of drug. Before I could do anything, I was being pulled into a van and I caught a glimpse of Luke turning the corner, just in time to see me getting kidnapped by an unknown figure.

The door was slammed shut and I felt the vehicle jerk forward, right before I passed out.


I woke up and I couldn't see anything. I was sitting in a wooden chair with my hands and feet tied.

"Hey!" I screamed on top of my lungs.

I heard a door open and a light flickered on.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust, but when they did I instantly felt myself go pale.

"M-Mum?" I stuttered as she walked towards me.

"Shut up, bitch." She spat. This can't be happening. It can't.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I broke out of prison with a few friends and I kidnapped you. I know you're stupid, but come on. Use that tiny little head of yours." Her voice was mocking as she walked towards me.

"W-What do you want from me?" I quietly asked. What could she possibly need? She's already ruined everything I am.

She didn't hesitate to extend her fist and punch me. "Don't speak unless you're given permission!" She loudly commanded.

I nodded in fear. This isn't okay; she's psychotic. I need help. Someone please help.

She suddenly got really mad at me and slammed my chair over. Not pushed, she forcefully grabbed my chair and slammed it into the ground. I yelped in pain as I felt the cuts on my arms rip open, as my hand were stuck between the chair and the hard cement ground.

"You told the police." She angrily stated.

"And you deserve everything that came out of it." I spat at her. I'm already in hell, is there really any harm in adding fumes to the fire?

She kneeled down beside me. "You're going to regret saying that." She whispered through an evil smile. Suddenly she lifted me head and angrily slammed it into the ground, making me pass out.

\|/ Luke's POV \|/

I turned the same corner that Amber did and saw her getting pulled into a black van.

I ran as fast as my legs would let me but the door was slammed shut and the van sped off.

It was a long alley, I had just enough time to take a picture of the license plate on my phone.  The other boys caught up to me right as I realized what really just happened.

"Where'd she go?!" Harry asked.

"She- she was- she just-" I stuttered. Oh, God.

"What happened?" Liam said.

"Spit it out dude!" Calum stepped forward.

"She was kidnapped. They pulled her into the van and-" I cut myself off. "We need to get to the police station!"

We all started running back towards the cars. I had to blink the tears out of my eyes multiple times so I could see to keep running.


When we got there I jumped out of the car and ran in.

I ran up to the front desk and surprised the woman there.

"My daughter was kidnapped!" I panted.

Her eyes widened and she picked up the phone and said something but I couldn't focus.

A police officer came up to me seconds after she put the phone down.

"Your daughter was kidnapped?" He asked while all the other guys ran up to me.

"Yeah. We were running and someone pulled her into a van. I have a picture of the license plate!" I exclaimed.

He nodded for me to follow him into a large office. We all did and I sat down in front of him while the other guys stood around.

"Let me see the picture."

I whipped out my phone and had the picture up in seconds. I handed him my phone and he looked at it.

He handed my phone back and typed a bunch of things in the computer.

"So?" I asked after a minute or two.

"I have it." He said.

"Really?!" We all shouted.

"Yes." He nodded. "I'm going to call for back up and we're going to form a plan."

"That's it? No questioning on what happened or anything like that?" Louis asked.

He sighed. "Normally yes, but my son was kidnapped many years ago and I know how frustrating it is to have to do all that while you have no idea where your child is."

"Thank you so much." I smiled. Well, at least I think I did.

"No problem." He smiled back.

He picked up the phone and said some stuff I couldn't hear.

Here we go.

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