Chapter 12

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\|/ Ambers POV \|/

There was no one outside of the house, so it was an easy task getting to the car.

"So, what kind of food do you want to get Amber?" Harry asked as Michael started driving.

"Oh, it's okay. You guys can pick out what you want." I forced a smile.

They both gave me an 'are you serious?' face and I just stared at Harry while Mikey continued driving.

"You can pick out anything you want." Harry told me.

"But I don't want you guys to spend money on me..." I said.

Michael stopped the car and turned around to look at me.

"Amber, if we didn't want to spend money on you, we wouldn't have offered to adopt you." He strictly said.

I never thought about being adopted. I mean, I knew something would've had to happen for me to be allowed to stay with them, but it never registered that I was adopted.

I silently nodded and nervously fiddled with my fingers.

"Now, what kind of foods do you want?" Harry repeated.

"I may or way not be addicted to pizza and French fries dipped in chocolate ice cream....." I trailed off.

They both laughed.

"We can get all that!"Michael exclaimed. "What kind of pizza is your favorite?"

"I like meat lovers with cheese stuffed crust." I replied more confidently.

"That's ma' girl!" Michael cheered.

"What kind of music do you like?" Harry asked.

"The good kind." I smiled.

They laughed. "What type?"

"Anything rock." I stated.

"You like 5SOS?" He asked.

"Yeah. They're my favorite band."

"We are the best." I could practically hear the smirk in Michael's voice.

"So tell me about your school." Harry said after a moment of silence.

"Um... I don't actually know the name of the school, but it's a good school, I guess." I started to get nervous again.

"What are your friends like?" Michael asked.

"Uh, they're cool, friendly, honest... nonexistent..." I muttered.

"So you don't have any friends?" Harry asked.

"No. I have music, though, so I don't exactly need any." I chuckled and so did they.

As we pulled into the Maccas drive through, Michael suggested something I didn't really expect. "Ya know, Ashton's little brother is your age. If you wanted to switch schools Harry and his friends would take you under their wings."

I actually really liked the idea. Having actual friends who would care about me, getting a chance for a new start.

"I would actually really like that!" I exclaimed.

"Great! I'll make sure that I talk about that with Ashton and Calum when we talk about random things." Michael laughed.

"Do you know the band Bring Me the Horizon?" Harry asked while looking down at his phone.

"Duh. They're amazing. Especially Oli." I smirked.

"Got the hots for him, do you?" Michael cheekily smiled

"If I wasn't a lesbian, I'm sure I would." I looked down at my hands, waiting for their reactions.

"Really?" Michael asked in surprise. Harry already knew from the car ride to his house

"Y-Yeah." I quietly stuttered.

"That's cool! We can talk about hot girls together!"Michael exclaimed.

I felt myself relax as I laughed along with Harry.

"How many things of fries should I get?" Michael asked.

"I need about 3 large ones." I stated without thinking.

"You can eat that much?!" Harry looked at me.

"I can, I don't have to, though." I quickly added.

"No it's okay. If that's how much you want, that's how much I'll get you." Michael smiled at me.


We pulled up to the store and I set all the bags of fries in the seats as I climbed out of the car.

"Alright, Amber, I want you to stay with us at all times. If you see something you want just put it in the cart." Michael told me.

I nodded and we walked inside together. Luckily we hadn't been noticed yet.

Harry grabbed a trolley (shopping cart or whatever you call it where you're from), and we started walking down different isles.

I saw the pop tart section down the isle we were currently in, and I ran towards it. I forgot to mention I love pop tarts.

I looked at the selection they had to choose from, and ignored the lads calling after me. I stopped looking and just grabbed a bunch of random kinds. I ran back to the trolley and tossed them in.

They laughed when they realized what I had put in there.

"I have something to tell you." I grabbed a random box and held it up to my face. "This is my new girlfriend." I kissed it and put it back in the cart.

They laughed at me loudly and we kept walking.

I really pretty girl ran into the isle and her eyes widened. Here's our first fan.

She slowly approached us as tears started streaming down her face.

"H-Hi." She smiled.

"Hey, love. What's your name?" Harry asked.

"Veronica, but my friends call me Ronnie." She looked at us. "Can I get a picture?" She asked Michael.

"Of course!" He stepped up.

"I don't mean to be rude, but could you take it?" She asked as she held out her phone.

"Yeah!" I smiled at her.

"Thank you."

"No problem." I grabbed her phone and took a picture of them sideways hugging.

I handed her her phone.

"Can you please wait at least an hour before you post that anywhere?" Michael kindly asked her.

"Yeah, of course. Anything for you." She nodded. "Well I'll leave you guys alone. Thank you for everything."

"No problem." Michael smiled.

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