Chapter 17

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\|/ Ambers POV \|/

I gasped for air as I peeled my eyes open, stopping the nightmare from continuing. Luckily, I hadn't screamed or anything, so no one was awake.

I checked my phone and the time was about 9 in the morning.

I quietly went to go get some water so I could calm my breathing.

I reached the kitchen and got a glass out of the cupboard, filling it with water.

I sipped it and thought about my dream.

It was all about losing Mattie. It made no sense whatsoever. It showed different scenarios where she was taken by other girls, kidnapped, and killed.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I felt myself slowly crumbling.

I put the glass on the counter and wiped my eyes. I glanced at the doorway to make sure no one was there, before starting to cry.

I just sat there and thought about things while crying. Eventually, I felt a hand on my back.

"Amber, what's wrong, sweetie?" I recognized the voice to be Faith.

I let her pull me into a hug as I bent down a little to cry on her shoulder.

"Shhhh. You're okay." She kept whispering soothing things in my ear.

"I'm sorry." I said when I finally was able to make myself stop crying. "I didn't mean to break down like this. I just-" I cut myself off and wiped my eyes.

"Don't apologize. It's okay not to be okay all the time." She looked at me sincerely.

I nodded. "Thank you. I just had a bad dream."

"It's okay. We all get them." She told me.

I nodded and continued sipping my water.

"Do you want any food or something to drink?" I asked her.

"No it's okay. I just noticed you weren't in there when I woke up, so I figured I'd come check on you." She explained. "How far did you get on your bedroom?"

"We cleaned everything up! All we need to do is repaint and replace all the things I need." I told her.

"What color are you wanting to paint it?" She asked.

"I'm thinking black with neon paint splatters." I smiled at the idea.

"That would be so cool!" She exclaimed.

I nodded. "I feel bad that the boys have to spend so much money on me, though."

"Don't. They're famous! They make plenty of it. And besides, if they didn't mind spending money on another person, they wouldn't have adopted you." She said.

"Well, I don't want anyone to think that I'm here for the money. It makes me feel bad. But I'll get used to it I guess. I just don't feel like I deserve it..." I trailed off and looked down.

"Seriously, don't be so hard on yourself. You're not in the wrong here. You didn't deserve to have you room trashed, and it's okay to let them fix it." She placed a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and gave a smile.

Harry walked in and wrapped an arm around Faiths waist.

"Morning, babe." He gave her a kiss on the head.

"Good morning." She smiled and hugged him.

I left the kitchen while they started talking, and went to the lounge to see who was sleeping in there.

I found no one in there, so I assumed they were in the guest rooms.

I snuck up to Calum's room to see if he was awake. I knocked on the door, but didn't hear an answer. I slowly opened the door and found Calum wrapped up in a blanket, still asleep. I walked over to him and decided to wake him up.

"Caaaaluuum." I sang while gently shaking his shoulder. "Caaaaaaluuuuuum!" I got a little louder.

He groaned and tried to roll over but I stopped him. "Calum. Wake up."

"Wh- Are you okay?" He sat up worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I don't think I'll ever be fine. Even when nothing is happening, I'm never really happy. "I just wanted to see if we could get paint for my room today." I said hopefully.

"Yeah, sure. Just let me wake up and eat and stuff." He tiredly spoke.

"Okay. Just let me know when you're ready to discuss everything." I said and left the room.

I went back downstairs and into the cinema. To my surprise, everyone was awake.

"Hey guys." I smiled at them.

I heard a chorus of greetings and I sat down to get on my phone. I checked my snapchat and saw I had one from Harry (Irwin).


"Hi?" I replied.

"What are the plans for today?"

"I'm hoping to paint my room and then do school stuff."


I didn't reply and I checked all my other stuff before scrolling through Twitter. After I while, I decided to put out my own tweet.

The first thing on my mind to tweet about was Mattie. Without thinking, I posted "It's so easy to get lost in your green eyes💘"

I automatically got a ton of likes, retweets, and replies. One of them was Ashton and he said "Awwwww! Isn't this adorable!? I can't wait to meet the lucky girl😉"

I laughed and checked the text I had just gotten from Calum.

"Talk to the others and see who needs a ride home or whatever. If anyone wants to stay for painting your room, they can." It read.

I looked up at everyone. "So today, we're going to paint my room. Whoever wants to stay can stay. If you need a ride home just let us know." I said.

"My ride is actually here now." Harry said. "Faith, I'm taking you home."

"Okay. Bye guys! Thanks for having us, Amber!" She hugged me goodbye.

"No problem at all! Bye guys. See you at school!" I replied.

They left and the others were texting their parents to come pick them up.

"I'm gonna stay to help." Mattie smiled at me.

"Okay." I nodded.

I texted Calum to let him know what's going on and he just sent the smirking emoji.

"So how are you getting your room painted?" Mattie asked me.

"I'm hoping to do black with neon paint splatters." I told her my idea. "But at the same time I'm starting to change my mind. It'd be so dark but happy at the same time. And also, it'd be hard for anything to match it. I don't know what to do."

"Well, what's your favorite color after black?" She asked thoughtfully.

"Purple, I think. And blue and pink." I answered.

"Use those colors then." She smiled

I took a moment to study her bright green eyes, but looked down and blushed when I got carried away.

The others started leaving and we bid our farewells before going to talk to some adults about the plans.

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