2. Blonde Jokes Are Weird

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So yesterday I was watching this video on YouTube about hilarious jokes. Yes, I am very weird. So multiple times blonde jokes came up telling how dumb they are. I could not find a better poem to fight the cause.

It's time that blondes retaliate
To prove that we're not dumb,
It's time we tell our side of things
So listen everyone...

Just because we're blonde
It doesn't mean we have more fun,
And yes, we know the answer to
The question one plus one...

Some of us are graduates
Of F, U, C and K,
And used all of this learning
To be what we are today.

We've had about enough of this
Those stupid jokes you tell,
We think that you should all just die
And go right straight to hell.

If we sound angry or upset
It's probly 'cause we are,
So don't be shocked or ask us why
We burned you're brand new car.

All blondes unite and stand your ground
We all must have our say,
Why pick on us when you could bash
Say, someone who is gay?

We're all tax-paying citizens
Who try hard every day,
To overcome this name we have
So take heed of what I say.

If one more person says a word
'Bout blondes not being smart,
If one more insult comes our way
We'll stab you in the heart.

Well, now I've said it all to you
You're probly mad as hell,
Well good! cause it's us laughing now
Without us - porn won't sell.

So you can try to sell brunettes
Or redheads, what a joke!
We blondes have had enough of you
Your profits we will smoke.

In ending my opinions here
And proving we're not dumb,
We know that three's the answer to
The question one plus one!

I don't know about you but I'll bet my entire money on the point about porn...

I mean I find it weird that people become so racist and sexist on such little things. She's a blonde and she doesn't have much of a brain. Voila! She's dumb? Na ah.

Blondes are often stereotyped as dumb.

While they are derided for their supposed stupidity, until now no one has actually investigated the question: "Are blondes actually dumb?"

The answer to the question is important. Discrimination is a reality in today's world. However, many people's prejudices are based on ill-conceived notions that often don't match the facts.

I recently published research investigating blondes' intelligence. The research found that blonde-haired white women – are certainly not dumb, and blondes might actually be slightly smarter than those with other hair colors.

If this longstanding belief is wrong, how many other commonly held prejudices are also erroneous? How many seemingly harmless biases are actually damaging?

This is weird. Stop harassing the poor blondes even if they can't do math, solve basic IQ questions, understand jokes, or realise roasts. #respect

Peace out! ✌🏻️

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