10. Compliments Are Weird

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When you tried to give me a compliment I always turn the cheek
Batting it away like it doesn't belong to me

That my hair is too straight for you to like it
My eyes too black for your brown

You say my heart is made to heal
But I can't find it
It's buried so deep I can't hear it keeping time to my life song
It's crushed under all my self downs and worries

My response to your comment is lost on my tongue
It is somewhere tucked inside my conscience
Playing hide and seek with the directions on how to talk to boys and how to give an oral report without turning red

You tell me I'm beautiful
But I can't hear you
The voices taunting me inside my head are too loud for your soft voice
Arguing about which way right
When I find my answer it seems as if the time has already left

I always forget to say thank you
It's sort of a bad habit
I'm always too worried about what will happen if I say something wrong
If I'll turn you away

I want you to know that I want you to stay
Stay close and hug me when I need it
So I can help you through your hardships
And carry each other's hopes and dreams upon our shoulders

'Hey Ifrah! Nice hair'. Uhm.... What do I say? What should I do? Smile? Nod? Bow? I have no stinkin' idea because compliments always make me feel so dang weird and awkward.

I mean check this out:

You smile like a flower blooming in spring,
You shine like a diamond on a golden ring..
You sound like a nightingale whenever you talk,
You ballet like a dancer whenever you walk..

Twinkling like stars are your two beautiful eyes,
Chubby cheeks are sweetness multiplied twice..
Your hairs are like crazy wild veins intervened,
But still they resemble the crown of a queen..

Clothes that you carry seem to be always better,
Every day is something new, you are a trend setter..
Adding glitter to your legs are the anklets you wear,
You steal all the beauty and this is not

Beautiful is your nature so serene and so pure,
A touch of arrogance makes you that much allure..
So tender, so soft your glossy skin is like silk,
So bright, so white flows right through like milk..

Then the most beautiful thing that lies inside you,
Is the beauty of your heart, if only people knew..
They'd see right here standing what they fail to see,
One day they'll witness you as you appear to me..

Believe me when I say that your looks are refined,
With you I'll start when inner beauty is defined..
A Beauty so blinding, just don't know what to do,
All that I can add here is a compliment or two.. n
Abhijit Surve

Now man that is some flat on hardcore forking dumbass flattery.

Explaining weird. Compliments aren't weird... for me, receiving them are. Now look. For example two people are engrossed in deep conversation and out of nowhere this person pops like, 'Hey! Omg gurl I love your dress. P.S so jealous I literally cannot'.

Annnd the other two are drop dead staring at her like tbh bitch just get the fuck outta here.

Compliment noted no pun intended but its just weird. I mean don't you feel weird when you like comment and give your opinion on another person on a trait that they know very well about themselves and don't need a reminder off?

Pfft. Weirdo alert. On thee bright side? Compliments are weirdly good.

Do you remember when someone gave you a genuine compliment and how that made you feel? Some people might feel embarrassed by a compliment but for the most part, they create a positive atmosphere and a sense of connection between two individuals.   Compliments make us feel proud of ourselves and complementing others is good medicine for the soul.  

There is a way to give compliments, and, a way to receive them as well.   People benefit from being the targets of compliments, but we also benefit being givers of them. You never know the affect a compliment can have on someone. It might be the only nice thing they hear all day.  

I believe that when you change someone's mood with a compliment, we affect other people who may come in contact with that person sometime throughout that day.   Through my experiences, I never thought that complimenting others was such a big deal. 

Stay weird you puny humans 😉
I'm out!

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