7. Long Drives Are Weird

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Long drive, short road

Life is like a long drive down a short road.
Your car when you were born,
had no suitcases inside.
No tears in the leather of the seats,
and the road is flat with no bumps.
And straight with no turns.
But as you grow older the road gets windier
and bumpier so it resembles a rollercoaster.
and you stop at more restaurants along the side
to enjoy a yummy milkshake of happiness.
The bagage in your car grows till you can't always see out the back window.
So a cop pulls you over and says to unload.
To pull out the stress and the heartbreak suitcases.
The rips in the leather seats start to form,
but whenever you get a chance you repair them
like you do a heart thats broken
or a pair of jeans that your mom says the hole in the knee is to big on
or a dolly with a missing head.
Sometimes the road gets straight again,
if only for a little while.
Sometimes you get lost because you know theres no guide
or map to the journey of life.
One day the road will end.
And at the very end you will have no baggage
There will be no more holes in the leather of the seats
because you already mended them.
And there will be no more twists or turns.
Or bumps in the road.
Instead they'll be a huge parking garage
You'll park your car.
And then you finally realize that the bumps
the turns
the tears
the baggage
th milkshakes
the cops
was worth it
because no matter what you got to the destination in time.

You. A loved one. A dog. A bag of food. A road. And the sunset. Amazing. Amazingly weird.

It seems so perfect and simple that it gets difficult to explain. Then again, it's my novel. I'm about to ruin your pretty perfect image of a long drive. Sorry.

I agree, long drives are great for your car. Driving long-distance is the best thing you can do to your car. Your engine oil is at optimum temperature, you don't vary your load or rpm all the time lowering stresses on the engine, you don't use the clutch much...

As long as your highway speed isn't close to the limiter then I don't see a reason why it could possibly be worse than the same distance driven in city/highway mix.

The weirdness comes when you just sit there, idly staring off on the road ahead. You sort out your problems weirdly just by a three hour drive. That is so messed up. I mean you seriously got that amount of gas money, why not use it on a psychiatrist or a career advisor?

Instead of self therapy of hours in your car, get certified help. But if you're doing it to get away from your problems, Don't. I repeat. Dont.

Suck it up and turn around. Go back to your office and deal with your deadline. Go back to your girlfriend or boyfriend and sort it out. Go back to school and talk it out. Go back to your part time job and work, if not then quit and find a new one. Go back to your apartment and talk to the landlord.

Your problems will only grow bigger if you make them.

Cest la vie
Ifrah ✌🏻️

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