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Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatuhu

I hope everything is great with y'all :)
More importantly your Imaan for that's your companion to Jannah.

So, ready for the next dare?


*99 Names of AllaH*

May I ask you how many of you have memorised HIS (SWT)'s Glorious Names?

If you haven't then please go ahead.

Below are HIS names.

1) Ar-Rahman (الرحمن) The All-Compassionate

2) Ar-Rahim (الرحيم) The All-Merciful

3) Al-Malik (الملك) The Absolute Ruler

4) Al-Quddus (القدوس) The Pure One

5) As-Salam (السلام) The Source of Peace

6) Al-Mu'min (المؤمن) The Inspirer of Faith

7) Al-Muhaymin (المهيمن) The Guardian

8) Al-Aziz (العزيز) The Victorious

9) Al-Jabbar (الجبار) The Compeller

10) Al-Mutakabbir (المتكبر) The Greatest

11) Al-Khaliq (الخالق) The Creator

12) Al-Bari' (البارئ) The Maker of Order

13) Al-Musawwir (المصور) The Shaper of Beauty

14) Al-Ghaffar (الغفار) The Forgiving

15) Al-Qahhar (القهار) The Subduer

16) Al-Wahhab (الوهاب) The Giver of All

17) Ar-Razzaq (الرزاق) The Sustainer

18) Al-Fattah (الفتاح) The Opener

19) Al-'Alim (العليم) The Knower of All

20) Al-Qabid (القابض) The Constrictor

21) Al-Basit (الباسط) The Reliever

22) Al-Khafid (الخافض) The Abaser

23) Ar-Rafi (الرافع) The Exalter

24) Al-Mu'izz (المعز) The Bestower of Honors

25) Al-Mudhill (المذل) The Humiliator

26) As-Sami (السميع) The Hearer of All

27) Al-Basir (البصير) The Seer of All

28) Al-Hakam (الحكم) The Judge

29) Al-'Adl (العدل) The Just

30) Al-Latif (اللطيف) The Subtle One

31) Al-Khabir (الخبير) The All-Aware

32) Al-Halim (الحليم) The Forbearing

33) Al-Azim (العظيم) The Magnificent

34) Al-Ghafur (الغفور) The Forgiver and Hider of Faults

35) Ash-Shakur (الشكور) The Rewarder of Thankfulness

36) Al-Ali (العلى) The Highest

37) Al-Kabir (الكبير) The Greatest

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