do you

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Kotori Minami - Honoka-chan~

Honoka Kosaka - yeah,what is it?

Kotori Minami - remember when i accidentally disturbed a butterfly and you said 'no butter for a week'?

Honoka Kosaka - uhh,yeah. Why?

Kotori Minami - and then i accidentally hit a beehive when we were climbing up a tree and you said 'no honey for a week?'

Honoka Kosaka - yeaaah..? why are you even asking this things? are you babysitting some kid and told them this?

Kotori Minami - no,well.. Umi-chan accidentally kicked a kitten while we were shopping earlier. Should i break the news to her?~

Honoka Kosaka - (・Д・)

Honoka Kosaka - DON'T


Did you guys get the joke? No? Okay..


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