Muse & Aqours as Brandon Rogers' Qoutes

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(Info: Brandon Rogers is a youtuber who make a bunch of skits and stuff on his channel with the theme of offensive comedy like FilthyFrank. Some of his videos contains his own characters,who inspired this explicit yet hilarious qoutes. Please check his channel first before looking here so it will make sense to you if you haven't known him yet!)

Honoka Kosaka - "See this picture? Little asshole didn't even try."

Kotori Minami - "Help! I'm under attack by a lesbian!"

Umi Sonoda - "What the hell is this?! I feel like i'm touching an abortion!"

Maki Nishikino - "I have my heart surgically removed with my ovaries last July."

Rin Hoshizora - "Eat my ass 30 minutes!"

Hanayo Koizumi - "I swear to god i'm gonna set myself on fire!!"

Nico Yazawa - "Fuck off,Janet. I'm not going to your fucking babyshower."

Nozomi Tojo - "Its fucking colder than a witch's tit out there!"

Eli Ayase - "Lift like you're straight!"

Chika Takami - "All you little assholes are gonna go nowhere in life."

Riko Sakurauchi - "Principal Mauris,one of the second graders is on fire and i don't think he's gonna make it this time."

You Watanabe - "Everyday at 2:00 PM,i get drier than the goddamn Mojave."

Yoshiko Tsushima - "I got a few demons up here but Jesus is my helmet."

Ruby Kurosawa - "I tell you what if i had those tits i'd still have a husband."

Hanamaru Kunikida - "My syndrome may be down but my hopes are UP!"

Dia Kurosawa - "Why don't you get your math done before you get PREGNANT!"

Mari Ohara - "Jokes on you,gayshit. I can't read engrish."

Kanan Matsuura - "THE SHOWER'S GONNA HAVE TO BE PTA! Pits! Tits! Ass."

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