nico's swimsuit

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Nico Yazawa - aye maki :3 you won't believe this

Maki Nishikino - won't believe the what?

Nico Yazawa - look at my swimsuit ;3

-Nico Yazawa has sent a photo.-

Maki Nishikino - meh.. looks plain.

Nico Yazawa - WHAT?! (*`へ'*) That is not like any plain swimsuit! Its a swimsuit that becomes invisible once it get wet! So if ever we went to a hot spring together,you'd think i'm wearing a plain,dull swimsuit until i jumped into the water and i turned into a naked nico-nico! \(//∇//)\

Maki Nishikino: duh.. i would never even go to a hot spring with you (~_~;)

-Maki Nishikino has left the conversation.-

Nico Yazawa: seriously?! (⌒-⌒; )

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