There Goes Paris

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"Will you quit glaring at me??" The jerk asked in an amused voice

We're now sitting face to face in Starbucks at 4 in the morning. I can't believe he actually waited for me to finish, I even tried to escape but he saw me and run after me giving me headlock towards Starbucks!!!


"Let's start over again shall we??" He asked

English accent and all..

He held out his hand to me..

"I'm Paris Raniel Campbell.." He introduced himself


I took his hand and shook it..

"I'm Chance Silvestre.." I said

Almost smiled at him because of how weird we are right now..

So that's his name.. Paris..

"So everyone calls you Paris??" I asked as I settled comfortably on my seat..

"Yeah.. Like the one in the mythology.. Behold Paris the guy who abduct Helen of Troy and started the Trojan war.. How cool is that.." He smirked at me

I gaped at him..

"What??" He asked, face turned red

"Too nerdy huh.. Sorry I just---"

"Are you crazy??? That's so cool!!!" I said animatedly

Suddenly he smiled..

Not his usual smirk..

This time it's real and it almost knock me over!!!

"So you like mythology huh.. Well you don't strike me as someone who likes that stuff.." He said as took a sip of his coffee

"Well duh speak for yourself.." I retorted at him

He laugh..

"Well if you out it that way.. I can never be nerdy with girls they don't get that stuff.." He said

"Bunch of stupid girls.. The ones you're always with at the club.." I told him

"I'm with them cause of their looks.." He admitted

"You don't say.." I said dryly

"Yeah it gets old you know.. That kind of things it's refreshing that I can be nerdy with a girl.." He said

"Yeah hooray for you.."

"You don't have to be sarcastic all the time.." He said

I rolled my eyes at him..

"So you're made in Paris???" I asked him all of a sudden

He choked and nearly spit his coffee!!

I snickered in response..

"Yes.. Yes I am made in Paris.." He answered while laughing and wiping his mouth with a napkin..

"Sorry I just have to ask.." I told him

He shook his head..

"Not a big deal.. So boyfriend??" He asked

Here it goes..

"I'm not into relationships.." Cause I'm so damn unlucky when it comes to commitments..

And besides I don't really think I'm for it..

"Why so??" He asked

Curiosity written all over his face..

"I'm not a girlfriend material.. Plus all guys are cheaters.." I said nonchalantly..

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