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"I don't know," answered Jasmine. We all looked at each other, checking if this was actually real.
"Come on, we have to get back to the beach, the teachers are going to be wandering where we are," I said. Olivia looked at me with anger.
"How can we go back looking like this!" She shouted.
"Look, let's just get back and see where it goes from there, okay?" Jasmine said sternly.
"Fine!" Olivia huffed.

We dragged ourselves onto the beach, away from the school, away from the locals. We could hear the the crowds of people in the town centre, probably nattering on about what they did at the weekend.
"What if we don't get our legs back!" Weeped Olivia.
"It's going to be fine, just stay calm," exclaimed Jasmine. "Just... Stay put for a bit."

"Jas it's been fifteen minutes," I said to her. But then something amazing happened.
"My legs! My beautiful beautiful legs!" Olivia cried. Jasmine and I smiled at each other.
"We better get back to where the school is before they think we've gone missing." We started to run along the sand. We passed beach huts and market stalls before we reached our part of the beach. Mrs Karswey stood there on the sand looking at us.
"Where were you girls! I told you to stay on this part of the beach!" She boomed. We all looked down at our feet ashamed. "We're going back to the hotel now so get your belongings, you three will be sharing a room tonight, I can keep an eye on you then," she added.
"But miss! I don't want to share a room with them!" Olivia cried. But Mrs Karswey walked off before she could say anything else. "I can't believe I'm sharing a room with you two! This is so unfair!" I rolled my eyes.
"Look, the good side of this is that if anything happens to us then we've got each other," Jasmine said calmly. "Now come on, let's go."

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