Pain and silence

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Austria was defeated in a fight. He was dying so an old friend decided to rescue him.

#Prussia #Austria #angst #hurt/comfort #fluff


Austria was breathing heavily as he lay on the ground, dirt and dry blood covering every inch of his weak body. He couldn't move as he had a sword impaled in his chest, close enough to cut through his left lung and eventually his heart if he moved. Austria tried to call for help, but no sound came out of his sore throat, from when the butt of the sword hit him at the base of his neck causing him to lose his balance and to fall to the ground where he now lay.

The time has passed slowly as he waited there, too tired to even sleep. His eyes gazed at the sky above as it changed colour from crystal clear blue to purple and dark blue. There was no moon, only the stars... cold and distant, reflecting their light upon the Earth with arrogance.
His glasses were on the ground, shattered and broken, just like him. Everything was blurry and looked like a very long and agonising dream. There were tears in his eyes as waves of pain hit him constantly.
Later into the night, when a faint light of the sun could be seen, there were sounds of someone yelling. It was his name.
He extended his right arm to reach the flag that was also on the ground, a few inches away. As he did it, the pain intensified. He finally grabbed it, a rough scream escaping from the depths of his lungs. Austria squeezed it tightly and lifted it to the sky, waving it. It wasn't long until he heard someone approach him. He was saved. That's when he fell into oblivion.

He woke up enveloped in a pleasant warmth. Opening his eyes he saw that he was in a dark room, laying in a king sized bed, covered by a really huge blanket. Turning his head, he observed that there was a glass of water on the nightstand. He took it and drank it quickly, enjoying the feeling of the water calming his sore throat.

After that, Austria tried to get off of the bed but a new wave of pain travelled through his body from his lower chest and made him fall back on the pillows. He was curious as to how bad the wound was. Taking the blanket off, he was surprised to find out that he was naked and that he had a huge bandage wrapped around his chest and abdomen. There were a lot of bruises around it and a red stain on it. His hands touched there and he hissed in pain, as the stain became larger and redder.
Moments later, the door opened slowly, revealing a mysterious person entering the room and going straight to the curtains, opening them and letting the sun rays to illuminate the darkness. Austria closed his eyes at the sudden light and pulled the covers back on his weak body.
He soon found out that the mysterious person was no one else but his annoying, white haired former best friend.

"Hello, specs!" Said the albino in his usual cocky voice.
"Prussia. Why am I here?"
"I brought you here. You were passed out when I found you."
"Am I your prisoner now?" he asked with a tremble in his voice. He knew what the Prussian was capable of.
"Does this look like a prison to you? I don't know your definition for prison, but I assure you that mine is very different."
"Then why did you brought me here?"
"My bedroom is the most comfortable room in the whole place and you were dying... as a person. I couldn't stand that. We were friends once" his voice became quitter and his expression saddened.
Austria took pity of him, knowing that he meant it, but he himself was still hurt by what Prussia did "It is your fault. You decided to abandon me for your new king." Austria found himself saying.
"Could you ever forgive me?"

Austria could swear that he saw tears flowing down Prussia's cheeks.
He was about to open his mouth and respond when a new wave of pain made his words come out as a sound of pain.

"Hey! Austria!" Prussia ran to Austria's side "Hey! It's ok, I'm here!" He sat on the bed with his arms on Austria back and head "Do you always have to be the knight in shining armour?" He smiled slightly.
"Only when my damsel in distress needs me." Prussia smiled as well.
"Thank you!" He put his arms around Prussia and his head on the albino's chest. "I missed you! I missed you so much!"
His hold on Austria tightened and brought the musician close to his chest "I'm sorry! I really am! And I missed you too. I miss those days when I came to visit and you just played the piano for hours, even after I left... we never talked during those visits... but I felt wonderful in those days."
"I did that on purpose. I knew you liked to watch me play." He breathed in Prussia's scent and his body calmed down, all the pain washed away.
There was a pause in which neither of them said anything. Then Prussia broke it "Yes... those days were amazing... but the nights..."
Austria put his slender fingers over his mouth "Shh... don't. Please don't, it's too painful to remember."
Prussia nodded, understanding his pain very well. He felt the same. After that they didn't say anything. The silence between them wasn't awkward, but pleasant and calming.

It was dawn when Austria fell asleep in Prussia's arms. He tucked him in and left the room whispering softly in his ear... words that he didn't said in a long time.

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