I'm empty

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Modern human AU again. Gilbert is being abused, his brother is taken away from him and he loses the ability to feel any emotion, so he runs away. Roderich finds him and takes care of him.

#prussia #austria #Gilbert #Roderich #germany #Ludwig #OC father #abuse #rape #hurt/comfort #angst #fluff



They were shouting again and throwing things. Then there was a loud sound like a door closing shut and after that only silence. Gilbert was curled on his bed under the covers, his little brother in his arms, crying.

After an hour the door to his room opened and the covers were pulled brutally off of them. Ludwig's tears started to fall again. He was caught by one of his arms and shoved out of the room. The door was locked.
Gilbert was looking wide eyed at the man that, for fifteen years, was his father and for the last three months... a monster. He was pulled by his hair and turned around on his belly. He heard an unzipping sound and then the bed moved under a new weight as the man sat on the bed on his knees, above Gilbert. He tugged down Gilbert's pants and then... just pain. It hurt like someone was ripping him apart. He cried and screamed for his father to stop. Instead, he received just a hard slap over the back of his head that left him unconscious.

The next morning he woke up in a pool of dried blood that was covering the sheets and his tights.


Everything was different now. Every two nights his father will come into his room and use him as he wanted. At school he was only seen in classes and all his friends became strangers to him. His brother was sent to live with their grandparents. It was best for Ludwig, he knew, but now he was all alone.


After a year of abuse he decided to run away. He didn't care where he was going he just wanted to leave.
He went to the first bus station he could find and waited until he saw three men approaching him. It was past the middle of the night and there was no one else around. Two of them stood in front of Gilbert and one of them was walking around him, checking him out. He nodded and then they all smirked evilly.
Gilbert was absent as they dragged him to an alley and started undressing him.
He was shirtless and his pants and boxers where at his knees when a deep shouting voice made the assaulters run away.
Someone draped a jacket around the boy and helped him to his feet. He fell asleep as he was put in a car.

Gilbert woke up right when the sun was rising, in a soft and warm bed. He stood in a sitting position and stretched his arms.
His attention was caught by a huge mirror that covered the wall in front of the bed. He saw his pale and fragile figure reflected in it. He looked like a ghost. One of his eyes was red and around it was a strange shade of blue... almost black. His hair was white and ruffled and he was very skinny.
Gilbert flinched when he tried to get off of the bed. Pain travelled from his left knee to his whole body. He took off the covers and discovered that he was dressed only in his boxers and his knee looked pretty bad... all purple and sore. He must've hit it when they threw him on the hard concrete.

After a while the door opened and a man in his mid 20s, with black hair, violet eyes and slender fingers walked in the room, holding a tray full of food.

"Good morning!" He smiled as he put the tray in Gilbert's lap and sat on the other part of the bed. "Did you sleep well?"
Gilbert gave him a blank stare before answering "G' mo'ning! I think yes..."
"I am happy to hear this!" The man was still smiling. "Can I know your name?"
"That's a lovely name. Mine is Roderich! Where are your parents? I tried to call your father, but he didn't answer."
Gilbert's eyes widened "Wha- you have no right to look into my phone!" He shouted.
Roderich's smile faded "And you have no right to yell at me in my own house, young man!"
"I'm sorry! Don't call my father, please! I'll do anything!" He looked Roderich in the eyes.
"Anything you say?"
"Yes!" He looked around the room and put the tray on the night stand. "I know what you want. I-I'll do it." He turned his head and then went over to Roderich and sat in his lap. "You can have me." His face was free of any expression or emotion. He was so used to it that he became immune.

Roderich's eyes widened. He put his arms around Gilbert's thin waist and lifted him from his lap, putting him on the bed. He was lighter then he seemed. "Don't get me wrong, but I don't want to use you for sex or anything! God! I just wanted to ask you to listen to a few of my songs and tell me your opinion on them."
Gilbert sighted and looked down at his hands "Oh... Sorry! It happened a lot in the last period that it became a routine. And yes!" He looked back at his saviour "I would like to!"

When Roderich started to play the piano, Gilbert couldn't keep a sound of amazement escape his lips. The musician smiled as he heard him. And that's how his new life began.


Roderich moved to Berlin and took Gilbert with him. He was going now to a new school and he also had some new friends. Roderich was always coming to get him home after school so he told them that he was his cousin.

Two years passed like that. It was perfect. Or so he thought. It started to feel a bit uncomfortable when Roderich began to ask about his family again. Gilbert never told him. And then his father started to look for him.


It was an ordinary Saturday afternoon when Roderich was playing the piano and Gilbert was practicing his flute skills in his room.

There were a few hard knocks on the door and Roderich went to open the door. "Hello! How can I help you?"
"I am looking for my son! White hair, blue eyes, slutty behaviour. I think you have seen him." The man spat and shoved Roderich out of his way as he entered the house. "Where is he?"
"Excuse me!? You can't just enter like that in someone's house. Without permission!"
The man turned to Roderich and smirked "And you can't kidnap someone's child for two whole years. How much did you fucked him?"
"I'm begging you pardon?! How can you say something like that?! I've never done such things to him!" Roderich was really angry "And I didn't kidnap him!"
"Yeah right! Now, I wanna take him back home. So where is he, priss?"

Gilbert heard the conversation and walked out of his room and went to his father, ready to confront him. "Hey, jerk! He didn't kidnap me. I asked to stay with him and you have no right to come into this house!"
"I don't give a shit about any of this! You're coming home with me right now!" He grabbed his right arm and tried to drag him to the door. Gilbert didn't move.
"I don't have to come with you! I'm an adult now and I can do whatever I want. And I want to stay here with Roderich..." he made a pause, unsure if he should say the rest of the sentence. He took a deep breath and continued "... the man that took care of me in two years like you never did in fifteen and a half... the man I love! Now... Get the fuck out of here!"

The man that once was his father gave him a shocked look and then ran away "You're a sick faggot! Both of you are!"
Then Gilbert turned to Roderich, blushing, something he never did in three years. Roderich looked him in the eyes and smiled.
"I-I'm so..." Gilbert started but was cut off by Roderich.
"You have nothing to apologise for! I love you too, Gilbert!"

The white haired boy smiled at him and then he let himself be hugged by Roderich. The black haired man kissed his forehead and held him in his arms protectively, like only a lover would do.


So as to clarify: Gilbert was obviously 15 when it started, 16 when Roderich found him and 18 at the end. Roderich is 23 when he finds Gilbert and 25 at the end.
I usually don't like this big age gaps between two people that have some sort of romantic relationship... but this thing happens often so it's pointless to try and hide it from myself and others. Hope you enjoyed it! Bye! See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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