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Sense some people want more drama with Raph and others want them to punch April. This chapter is what it's about. :3 plus some romantic with your Donnie. I did only a tiny part with Raph, and I tired to make it sweet as well!


No one POV.

It was 5 period, and you hate the class you were in. To make it even worst you had it with the one and only, April O'Neil. You guys would always give death glares to one another until today, she gave you a note.

Let's settle this. Donnie is mine, and I will fight for him you little whore. After this class. You and Me.

You read the note and that made you burst out laughing.

'Does she really think she has a chance of beating me? Is she too stupid to see all those sign I left out?' You thought as you continue to laugh.

"Miss (last name) is there something you like to share with the class?" You teacher ask you. But it didn't stop you from laughing. The class just kept staring at you like you were psycho.    

"Um no not really" you said and got to writing down you respond. April glared at you and you simply rolled your eyes and continue.

That's the most funniest thing you ever said. I mean being a ginger is punishment enough for you but sure, we can fight. After this class got it. No going back slut.

(Haha pitch perfect)

You filed the note, and threw it at her. She growled and unfold the paper. She seem like she's regretting it but she couldn't back down. She's the one who wanted to fight.

'Oh well it's not my problem if she wanted to fight. I'll fight for what's mine' you thought as you were waiting for class to finish. She needs a lesson. No more warnings.
You already have her too much warnings. But now is the time where it ends. After a simple beating it'll be fine. After 20 minutes of waiting the bell finally rang. You were getting pump up for this fight you've been waiting for.

"O'Neil! Let's go!" You yelled as she seem to throw the first punch. That took you by surprise. But at least you wouldn't be in huge trouble because you didn't start it. Your simply finishing it.

"Oohh" everyone said as you smirk. It didn't hurt but it sting a bit. As she went to another punch you grab her fist and pop her hand.

"My turn" you said, and BAM you threw the first punch. She was down but that didn't stop you.

"She's down!" A student shouted as other cheered on for more.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" They chanted. You quickly went to pin her down, giving the audience what they want to see. Your a kind person but when someone like this *cough* 'April!' Does something like this to you, and brings out a side you never knew about, deserves what's coming.

"Get off me you-" you cutter her off but punching her. She kick you off and that surprised you. No one was be able to kick you like that. You quietly jump back up pinning her again and beating her. But it only last for a minute because a teacher pulled you back. But that minute was the best minute of your life.

"Alright! That's enough!" He yelled as O'Neil back up in fear. She notice that your eyes turn red. She knew it was a sign you wouldn't stop and she needs to back up. Her face was messed up is how you would put it.

"It was getting good Mr.Banner" another teacher said and you laughed. So teachers dos find this stuff amusing. Who would have known? Mr.Banner glares at the other teacher before talking.

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