|| Chapter Four ||

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"Maybe I'm scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything I think about, everything I need and everything I want,"

The chapters may seem a little bland and boring right now, but don't worry, because something big is about to happen soon. 😎


~Chapter Four: I'm in Love with a Nerd~

The school day for me was just a blur. Maybe it's because I was asleep for 90% of the time. Believe it or not, I sleep way better in school than I do elsewhere.

Maybe because I always hear a little lullaby about Algebra before I go right to sleep.

I felt tapping on my shoulder, to which I responded with a mumble crossed with a groan - A grumble. Hey, it's actually a real word.

"Sam. Do you wanna go to Build-A-Bra today?" Carly asked. When I uttered something inaudible, she tapped my shoulder again. "Let me rephrase that. Sam, we're going to Build-A-Bra so that we can get new bras,"

I finally lifted my head and squinted to look at her. After one or two seconds, I let out a yawn and stretched my arms.

"Whatever," I mumbled, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"I don't want to go to Build-A-Bra," Freddie whined. "You always take me there even though I'm a dude and dudes don't wear bras,"

"But I thought that dudes enjoy the sight of girls in bras," Carly argued, raising an eyebrow.

Freddie let out a sigh. "Normally, yes. But today, I'm suddenly not in the mood,"

"Why do you take Freddie to Build-A-Bra?" Melanie asked, looking over at Carly and Freddie. 

"That's a good question," Carly arched an eyebrow. "Freddie, why do we take you to Build-A-Bra?"

"I actually have no idea," Freddie shrugged and pursed his lips. "I just go wherever these two go,"

"You poor boy," Melanie put a hand over her heart and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. She's such a drama queen.

"Thank you, Melanie. Sam, you should learn to be more like your older sister," Freddie gave me a little smirk. "Nice, kind--"

I mimicked him with my hand and mumbled the words. I've heard this lecture like a million times from my mother.

Carly rolled her eyes at my immaturity and my rude behaviour. Before she would scold me, but I guess she's gotten used to it. We have been friends for an awful long time.

I remember the first time we met. It was lunch, my favourite time of the day, but unfortunately, my mother forgot to pack me something to eat.

Frustrated, I scavenged for someone that I could get food from, using physical force, of course. My eyes landed on a certain brunette, by the name of Carly Shay who was --

"Ah, ah, ah," Freddie's voice brought me back to reality. "You have to be nice to me today or else you have dinner with me and my ma'," 

"I don't care. I can't not be rude to you. You make it hard," I threw my hands up in frustration. "Plus it's not like you can drag me all the way to your place,"

"That's not fair," Freddie whined like a child. Who am I kidding? He is a child. "We had a bet. You're supposed to keep your side of the bargain,"

"Oh, you poor boy," I imitated my sister and put an arm on Freddie's shoulder. "Mama doesn't play fair. She plays dirty. You should have known better than to trust me to be faithful to this so-called 'bet',"

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