Chapter 4. Fear

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Chapter 4. Fear

Ava's POV.

               It was black. All I could see was pitch black, complete darkness surrounding me and silence, dead silence. How did I end up here? My feet wandered around but each step I took, it feels like I'm going nowhere from here. Also, the worst part of it is, it was freezing cold and I was only wearing my white tank top and pajama shorts. Did I walk in my sleep? Even if I squint my eyes over and over, the same sight was all I got. Where in the world am I?

"Hello? Anyone there?" My voice called out.

Instead of a reply, which I was expecting, I hear sounds of foot steps tapping on the floor. My eyes widen, someone's here. Though it does feel better to be not alone, I'm still not sure about this one. I took a few steps back, but bad decision. A growl came out of nowhere and that's when I started to panic. My breathing was uneven and I was practically shaking. Then all of a sudden, bright red eyes came into view a few feet away from me and that's when I lost it. 

"Help! Help! Help!" I shout as I ran around in darkness.

My arms were in front of me, hoping I wouldn't bump into something and find at least a door or whatever, to get myself out. I turn and turn, run and run, shout and shout. But it was an endless path of darkness. 

"Ava."  A deep voice said aloud.

Slowly, I backed up against the wall when the red eyes came up front again. My back hits a some sort of wall, that could possibly one of the worst things to show up at this time of trepidation. I was forcefully grabbed by the neck all of a sudden and try to pry its hand away but he or she was too strong. 

"You'll do." It spoke again.

What does that suppose to mean? Right when I was about to ask, its grip tightened around my throat and I started to choke. My hands flew to theirs, trying to pull it away so I could make a run for it. However, it only made it angrier as it growled and pulled me, by the throat, and closer to its body. I was gasping for air, desperately needing the oxygen in my system. Why was it trying to kill me?

"S-Stop." I choked out.

"No." It hissed.

I could feel its breath close to my cheek, instantly making me freeze in my place. As it moved down, I was in tears already and I hated it. The thought of crying, for me, was languid. Being irresolute was showing too much of your feelings, and I wasn't like that. An idea came up and I quickly bit its hand around my neck, earning an enraged growl. My feet instantly rushed out of its territory, fearing that it might catch me. 

And it did. The person was agile, directly bringing me back to the situation we were before. I gasp at it whispered closely to my ear, "Don't move, or it'll be messier." I was on the egde of annihilation, one last step and I'll be seized. Its nose brushed on my neck, taking in my scent and lets out a moan of satisfication, "Don't you smell heavenly." 

Then I could no longer feel anything else, I was in a conscious of numbness. The state of an unknown predicament. And the last thing I heard was my scream, before falling into an oblivion.

My eyes shot open, gasping for air as I rise up from bed with tears and sweat. Quavering, I realized that it was only a dream. An imagination of events that I didn't plan on thinking of or had any ideas of it whatsoever. A bad dream, it was. I glance up the clock, 4:35 it read. I relax, wondering if I should go back to sleep but it'll be hard for me to go back to bed.

Since my classes starts in the afternoon, I was adequate to wake up way early than I should be, because I could take a nap later on. There was going to be a seminar for our teachers in the morning. So I pull away the covers and slip in my slippers, leaving my room. I quietly made some tea in the kitchen, and sat down in one of the tools. 

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