New Arrival

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You are a Jedi Knight called Arise Vangarly, a male human with Short, black hair, emerald green eyes and you have blue lightsaber, a spare green lightsaber, and green duel lightsaber and have a recharging Laser rifle, you are also skilled in the use of the force by your old master, Master Yoda.
You also wear the samething as this Jedi in the picture.

So far... The Jedi temple was destroyed by the clones, and you needed to leave the Galaxy, you were Perseus by several Clone fighters and you tried to fight back, your droid, AR-2B, was trying to locate anywhere safe, "come on 2B, I need somewhere to go or we will be toasted soon.." You say, as your green Jedi fight shook, you were spinning out of control, but soon regained control, then a Clone fighter came directly at you, so you locked on and fired, after a few shots hit the fighter, it exploded.

"Beep, beep-bop" said 2B, "okey, well, if the Hyperdrive is out, then I guess there is only on place left" you say and turned to a Blackhole, 2B was making some noise, "I know, but what choice do we have... Besides, I never liked this part of the galaxy anyway" you say with a grin, and flew straight into the black hole, the Pershing Clone pilots cut the chase, thinking you would be killed in the black hole.

Several days later....

Ruby's POV

Professor Ozpin had taken my team on a mission to a forest with miss Goodwitch and Professor Ports, as something fell from the sky a few days ago and it appeared to come from space, but we couldn't be certain, soon, our Bulkhead landed near the supposed crash sight and we moved to it on foot.

What got us was that there were no Grimm in the area, not a single Beowolf, Ursa or Deathstalker, "strange" I muttered, soon, we came across a small opening. There was a long crater, dragged across the grass and a Hugh pile of mud at the end, and in the front of that pile was a burnt, funny shaped object, we got closer and saw that what was the door was opened and it was abandoned.

There were a few tracks, but we looked at the ship, it was green, and looked like some sort of spacecraft, "what is that ?" Asked Yang, "I don't know, but those tracks are Human, maybe the pilot was injured and abandoned his crashed ship or..." said Professor Ports.

Arise POV

I crashed here a few days ago after coming out of the black hole, my fighter needed repairs so I had to come to this planet, I scanned the planet and saw that there were lots of life forms on this planet, and check my navigation computer and saw that I was trillions of light years beyond the farthest regions of unknown space, no one has ever come out this far. 'I'm safe' I thought.

The landing didn't go too well as my Fighter was more damaged then first thought, so it crashed here, I was happy to see that 2B is in one piece, and moved onto a small nearby cave, there were these creatures, they attacked me, but after a day of fighting, they seemed to have left the area, and also me, alone.

I was meditating by a small spring of water, then heard the sounds of an aircraft, I hen jumped to the top of the tree to see a ship land nearby, it didn't look like anything I've seen before, and didn't look like it was good enough to fly in space.

I jumped from tree to tree to see who or what was coming, and I was surprised to see several humans walk toward my star fighter, four teenage girls, with different colour clothing, an older woman, and older man with a moustache and a man with grey hair and glasses.

I listened in to them and heard the guy with the moustache talk about me being injured, I then jumped down and said "or maybe, I'm watching you look at my star fighter" I said, cutting the man off, the girl in red drew a weapon that turned into a scythe, and the girl in white pulled out a sword of some sorts, "I do not intend to fight you, nor am I going to fight you, but I ask, why are you here ?" I said, "well, I wanted to see what this is, as it crashed and all Grimm seemed to leave the area, I'm Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon academy, and you are ?" Said the man with glasses.

I sensed that he was telling the truth, so I pushed the hood of my Jedi robe back then said "I'm Arise vangarly, Jedi knight for the Jedi counsel of the Galactic Republic, I mean you no harm" I saw the group look at me with wide eyes, "why did you come here ?" Asked Ozpin, "I didn't choose to come here, my star fighter was damaged and I crashed here" I said, then turned, "Come, we will continue this talk at my camp" I said, an walked to the cave.

The girls asked me lots of questions and introduced everyone else, "so.. What's a Jedi ?" They asked, "a Jedi is a being who can control the force, and acts out of justice and truth, who fights for the light side of the force, and then there is the sith, who fight with the dark side, with fear, anger and hate" I said, "do you have a weapon ?" Asked Ruby, "yes, I have three lightsabers and a recharging laser rifle" I said, "what's a lightsaber ?" She asked again, "this" I said and drew mine blue lightsaber and ignited it, she marvelled at the weapon, I then cut into a giant boulder, cutting it in two, "wow, that's so awesome" she squealed as I turned it off and put it back, "I have a green one of these and a duel lightsaber" I said.

We walked back to the cave, I turned 2B off earlier and sat by a small fire, "I sense that you wanted to talk about something else, so, Professor Ozpin, what is it you wanted to talk about ?" I said as they all sat on the other end of the fire.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to join our academy ?, you are a good applicant" he said. And started to explain.

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